Community Forum Archive

The Epilepsy Community Forums are closed, and the information is archived. The content in this section may not be current or apply to all situations. In addition, forum questions and responses include information and content that has been generated by epilepsy community members. This content is not moderated. The information on these pages should not be substituted for medical advice from a healthcare provider. Experiences with epilepsy can vary greatly on an individual basis. Please contact your doctor or medical team if you have any questions about your situation. For more information, learn about epilepsy or visit our resources section.

Topic: Diagnostic Dilemmas and Testing

MRI - Artifacts?

01/2006 | 0 Comments

Can anyone tell me what it means when the MRI shows normal shading, but shows artifacts in the area of the base of the skull?! These were the results...
sleep deprivation eeg

01/2006 | 8 Comments

hi every one can any one tell me what a sleep deprivation eeg is and what it entails? i know i should of asked more questions when i saw my neuro but...
Absence Seizures at 17 months?

01/2006 | 3 Comments

Does anyone know if there are cases of Absence Seizures happen in children who are 17 months old? Is that possible?
Sleep Apnea causing epilepsy?!

01/2006 | 19 Comments

Hello everyone, I hope everybody had a great christmas/new year! I had a question about Sleep Apnea causing epi. on the day after christmas I had...
Seizures or Migraines....Drs. don't know

01/2006 | 7 Comments

It's a feeling like I'm ice skating, right next to a cliff. I keep skating up to the edge and stop, but eventually I don't stop, and go right over the...
wondering about eeg

12/2005 | 8 Comments

Hello. I'd much appreciate some feedback on this: I've had inconclusive investigations over the past 3-4 years, since a L temporal lobe abnormality...
topamax and eeg

12/2005 | 1 Comments

Has anyone heard of Topamax causing a false reading on an EEG? My family doctor sent me to a neurologist because of headaches. The neurologist wanted...
Do i have epilipsy??

12/2005 | 9 Comments

hey guys big question i know, seems like yo gotta go through a lot of scans and doctors before they can tell you for sure!!! anyway the topic of de ja...
Q Re: EEG's

11/2005 | 2 Comments

Can someone have a 'normal' EEG and still have seizure activity?
Blood Test Helps Spot Epileptic Seizure

11/2005 | 1 Comments

I found this a few weeks ago and thougth it was worth sharing. Very interesting article,,,,,wbnews_876003bm,00.html...
Possible seizure? Please help

11/2005 | 3 Comments

GENERAL BACKGROUND: I was diagnosed with temporal lobe epilepsy a little more than a year ago. I was skeptical of the diagnosis, so I went to a...

11/2005 | 10 Comments

Hi to all of you. I have a similar situation to several people posting on this site. My eeg and MRI came back normal, but I have exhibited symptoms of...
A query about epilepsy

10/2005 | 1 Comments

One of the symptoms of Epilepsy stated here is - Eyes becoming glossy Is it possible to have only this symptom, confirming 'epilepsy' or this may be...
Anyone have these strange symptoms

10/2005 | 0 Comments

I have had migraines with aura for 3 years and was treated with Topamax, which worked great, although it killed my short term memory. Within the last...

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