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Music and Epilepsy

Wed, 07/21/2010 - 13:27
This may be an off the wall question, but does anyone with E. has strong emotional reactions (or seem to be VIVIDLY transported to the past) when listening music.  It seems like some songs that I listen to (like songs I used to listen to a lot in my younger days) seem to have this VERY STRONG emotional affect on me and I instantly start feeling all the old emotions I used to have when I was younger listening to the same music.  I have asked my non-E. friends and they think I am crazy... I know that music is therapeutic and all that stuff, however, why such strong emotional reactions?


Re: Music and Epilepsy

Submitted by mel239 on Tue, 2010-07-27 - 17:57
I get those loops too but I sing them out loud-usually Christmas songs anytime of the year,not something I just heard-drives my family crazy-we are talking HOURS!

Re: Music and Epilepsy

Submitted by Jk606 on Tue, 2010-07-27 - 21:38
Oh yeah, I know exactly what you're talking about with the christmas songs.  I used to get 'jingle bellls' in my head and it would not go away, even in the middle of summer I will be singing or humming 'jingle bells' and my friends family will just give me funny looks and laugh, that song can stay in my head for days...its really strange.

Re: Music and Epilepsy

Submitted by rocket man on Sun, 2010-07-25 - 07:41

Hi. I have been studying links between music/emotion/epilepsy, for the last 2 years. All 3 words apply to me. I'm a musician/composer, with epilepsy, who gets very strong emotional responses to music, particularly  in a post-ictal state.  I also went to the international conference on music and emotion last year, and attended meetings with Dr Peter W. Kaplan, expert and author on Musicogenic Seizures (2/3rds of these seizures are caused by the patient's emotional response to the music).  I'm also researching for a paper on music in the field of epileptic art, which was how I found your conversation.  I would be very interested to talk to any of the group further.  Hope to speak to you soon, and thank you for raising this subject.  Best wishes,

Rocket Man.

Hi. I have been studying links between music/emotion/epilepsy, for the last 2 years. All 3 words apply to me. I'm a musician/composer, with epilepsy, who gets very strong emotional responses to music, particularly  in a post-ictal state.  I also went to the international conference on music and emotion last year, and attended meetings with Dr Peter W. Kaplan, expert and author on Musicogenic Seizures (2/3rds of these seizures are caused by the patient's emotional response to the music).  I'm also researching for a paper on music in the field of epileptic art, which was how I found your conversation.  I would be very interested to talk to any of the group further.  Hope to speak to you soon, and thank you for raising this subject.  Best wishes,

Rocket Man.

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