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Music and Epilepsy

Wed, 07/21/2010 - 13:27
This may be an off the wall question, but does anyone with E. has strong emotional reactions (or seem to be VIVIDLY transported to the past) when listening music.  It seems like some songs that I listen to (like songs I used to listen to a lot in my younger days) seem to have this VERY STRONG emotional affect on me and I instantly start feeling all the old emotions I used to have when I was younger listening to the same music.  I have asked my non-E. friends and they think I am crazy... I know that music is therapeutic and all that stuff, however, why such strong emotional reactions?


Re: Music and Epilepsy

Submitted by mel239 on Tue, 2010-07-27 - 17:54
When I was 16 and had a crush on my best friends older brother,there were 2 popular songs.When I hear them I am instantly transported back to going to his baseball games,I can even smell the grass and dust.Sure,it feels great,but it kind of feels ominous to me-like God is giving me a last look at good times before...I know,Im crazy!

Re: Music and Epilepsy

Submitted by ajsmama on Sun, 2010-07-25 - 19:48
I've been experiencing this since having my first set of tonic clonic seizures 3 years ago. (I've obviously always been someone with seizure disorder, but the music thing started specifically after the TCs.) I can listen to all sorts of songs, but there are many songs that make me burst into tears. It often happens when I'm alone and when I'm with someone else, I have to go out of my way to cover up what's happening to me. The tears aren't even the problem, it's the insanely intense emotional explosion that goes along with it. I feel like everything I've experience in life starts flooding in and I am left with nothing to deal with it but tears. I thought that I was just really touchy and emotional. It's good to know I'm not alone, however, it'd be awesome if we could just listen to music!

Re: Music and Epilepsy

Submitted by mel239 on Tue, 2010-07-27 - 17:49
I have sp and cps and its the same thing-Im overemotional its as if Ive been transported there and going through what they are singing about-same with news stories for me. I try to cover it up too,I feel so embarassed.I know its just my funky brain,but it does take away the enjoyment I used to have listening to music

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