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Mon, 10/28/2013 - 19:04


Let me start of by saying I am only a junior in high school but wanted advice from people who have been here.

Since I was nine, I have wanted to become a physical therapist. However, with my new diagnosis of seizures, I wasn't sure if that goal could be attained.

Is anyone out there a physical therapist??

I probably should add my seizures were fairly controlled but I recently had a really bad cluster. No hospital! Just no high school and extra-circulars until I got better




Re: Careers?

Submitted by mereloaded on Thu, 2013-10-31 - 13:52
Follow your dreams. I thing pt is a perfect career, low stress, relaxing environment, day time hours. I actually suggested this field to my son who is a sophomore, but he is set in becoming an engineer, which is a high pressure career field. Do what makes you happy!

Re: Careers?

Submitted by barney on Sun, 2013-11-03 - 09:11
Emily; You are awesome! I have had seizures 30 years and am both a EMT and massage therapist. Since surgery in 2001, my szs are pretty well controlled, but they happen. The folks I work with are aware and understanding, but they do need to know what to expect if "something should happen". Please, please hold onto your dream and you will push through and find ways to accomplish your goals. In sum, its really great you have this dream, but don't forget that e is not an impediment, only the fear of it is. Best of Luck and GO FOR IT, Peter

Re: Careers?

Submitted by barney on Sun, 2013-11-03 - 09:11
Emily; You are awesome! I have had seizures 30 years and am both a EMT and massage therapist. Since surgery in 2001, my szs are pretty well controlled, but they happen. The folks I work with are aware and understanding, but they do need to know what to expect if "something should happen". Please, please hold onto your dream and you will push through and find ways to accomplish your goals. In sum, its really great you have this dream, but don't forget that e is not an impediment, only the fear of it is. Best of Luck and GO FOR IT, Peter

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