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Mon, 10/28/2013 - 19:04


Let me start of by saying I am only a junior in high school but wanted advice from people who have been here.

Since I was nine, I have wanted to become a physical therapist. However, with my new diagnosis of seizures, I wasn't sure if that goal could be attained.

Is anyone out there a physical therapist??

I probably should add my seizures were fairly controlled but I recently had a really bad cluster. No hospital! Just no high school and extra-circulars until I got better




Re: Careers?

Submitted by 15042runner2Dreams on Sun, 2013-11-03 - 14:03


Thank you all for the positive feedback. As most of you probably have felt, it seems hard to try and picture myself away at college and away from my family. Thank you guys so much for telling me that I can achieve my goals and sharing your own stories with me.

May God bless you all,



Thank you all for the positive feedback. As most of you probably have felt, it seems hard to try and picture myself away at college and away from my family. Thank you guys so much for telling me that I can achieve my goals and sharing your own stories with me.

May God bless you all,


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