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Thu, 02/10/2005 - 17:15
Do any of you tend to push people close to you out of your lives for no good reason? I have a wonderful, loving fiancee and I keep wanting to push her out of my life. She is fully accepting and loving of me and would do anything for me.


RE: RE: Relationships

Submitted by Gretchen on Sat, 2005-02-26 - 00:50
Succintly to your question - yes. I've taken some very hard hits in the realm of rejection by "close" long term friends, some family when I got epilepsy. Maybe a factor too is that I would do anything to work, but can't, can't get hired either. I know that has limited the former things I had I common with people, it's also reduced my income status dramatically, meaning I'll be asked to do things recreationally with others that I formerly did, when I had a decent income, can't do now because I can't afford it. Can't even consider it. I do think the rejection I've gotten is a mixed bag. Some I KNOW do not want to be around me if I have a sz. I accept that. I get very very weary of people who don't have a clue what's it like to be an epileptic always advising HOW to be an epileptic. Pushing "miracle cures" on me. Or insisting I'm an invalid by their actions. Or treating me like I'm fine China. Some have found me too changed for them and I have had abandonment, that hurts. And it's that HURTS thing, suffered too often, that has made me very leary about who populates my world. IOW I'm very selective about who I trust now where before my diagnosis that wasn't a problem for me. If I meet someone new? I'm nearly "interviewing" them as a potential friend. Few pass the test because? I get hurt easily, and I don't want to be hurt more. I think it's what is anyone's priority. loneliness or a world populated with people who are marginally comfortable to me. I have chosen the former. And I'm very quick to push someone out if I get a whiff, I'm about to get stomped. I'm done with the stomp. I'm not advocating my stance though. I'm only explaining my attitude and self protectiveness.

RE: RE: RE: Relationships

Submitted by pongosmommy on Sat, 2005-02-26 - 02:16
Hmmmm This is such a touchy subject that I didn't want to talk.But as you all know by now I love to talk. LOl Right Gretchen? Ok, Well, since I am the new kid on the block, I haven't had the issue of pushing people away due to my sz's. I have had friends not want to be near me because of my "mood swings/or other episodes". Although most people think of me as a very happy person the ones that have known me longer know of the dark side that shows up at times. It is very rare and far between...think those may be those sz's when I steal the car? I know I used to sneak out the window when I was a kid/teen and took a car then too. Hmmm maybe it is being brought on by my menopause afterall?OK now that I am done with that...Bruce and Nancy If I am reading that right and not totally out of my mind right now...I am very happy for you. You both seem to be very nice, intellegent people. Best of luck to you. If I am wrong, Excuse me my mind must be misfiring again.Hey Gretchen...Hopefully I am one of those you do count as friends?Dayna

RE: RE: RE: RE: Relationships

Submitted by Gretchen on Sat, 2005-02-26 - 04:36
ABSOLUTELY Dayna I love your posts and furthermore - I think you talk good (smile).To add to our similarities? I've been "diagnosed" with "flight syndrome". Heck, I could have told them that - the FIRST time I stole the car! Or the 30th time I went AMA! Or the second time I crawled out of the 2nd floor hospital window and walked home! I mean - does that take a DEGREE to diagnose I have flight syndrome! I think not! Anywayz, it's called "I don't need to be here" or "don't tell me I can't do that" or .....multiple choices. hehe

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