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Difference between Tegratol and Carbamazepine

Tue, 02/07/2006 - 17:23
Hello All, I have been taking Tegratol for about 15-18 years now. Do to my health insurance i have to pay full price for Tegratol or get Carbamazepine for $25.00. My question is, Is there any difference between these two medication? The Tegratol has been working great for me and I hate to change. But $250.00 for 90 versus $25.00 for 90. Has anyone out there taken Tegratol and switched to Carbamazepine and not have any trouble. Thanks you for your time. Matta25


Re: Re: Difference between Tegratol and Carbamazepine

Submitted by spiz on Thu, 2006-02-09 - 08:52
Matta, I realize that medication can affect us all diferently, but I did try the carb. instead of the name brand Tegretol. It did not work for me at all. My neuro had advised me to always go name brand on both of my seizure medications (Depakote and taking Tegretol XR instead of the Tegretol). It may be an individual reaction but my advice after my experience is to stick to the name brand. Good luck! -Spiz

Re: Difference between Tegratol and Carbamazepine

Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 2006-02-09 - 13:30
Tegretol is the brand name of carbarmazepine. While they are essentailly the same drug, differences can occur in how much actually gets into the system when comparing brand names to generic, one type of a generic to another, or short-acting to long-acting formulations. The problems arise when small fluctuations in drug levels cause large differences in side effects or seizure control. The differences have been documented pretty well with Dilantin and phenytoin (the generic). They occur with Tegretol and carbamazepine but have not been as well documented. So what to do? Work with the prescribing doctor and the pharmacist to stay on the same formulation. The problem is that there can be more than one company making a generic formulation of a drug and if so, fluctuations between generics can occur! If someone takes brand Tegretol, try to get that consistently. If on a generic carbamazepine, try to get same generic carb at each refill. People need to work with their pharmacist on this as the pharmacist may just buy whatever is the cheapest each month! If people are noticing changes in the drug levels and breakthrough seizures, sometimes trying a longer-acting version of a drug may keep more constant amounts in the body and less breakthrough seizures. Here are some links to info that talks about carbamazepine and/or generics to get you started. When keeping seizure diaries, it's helpful to note when you get meds refilled and if any changes in the drug(s) and share the info with the doctor! Hope this helps, Resource Specialist

Re: Re: Difference between Tegratol and Carbamazepine

Submitted by matta25 on Thu, 2006-02-09 - 17:50
Thank you all for your comments. I'm still trying to get the insurance company to let me get tegretol as a forumal drug ($75.00 vs $250.00). Still is there any know out there that made the change after many years on tegretol and what was your out come? Thanks again.

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