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Difference between Tegratol and Carbamazepine

Tue, 02/07/2006 - 17:23
Hello All, I have been taking Tegratol for about 15-18 years now. Do to my health insurance i have to pay full price for Tegratol or get Carbamazepine for $25.00. My question is, Is there any difference between these two medication? The Tegratol has been working great for me and I hate to change. But $250.00 for 90 versus $25.00 for 90. Has anyone out there taken Tegratol and switched to Carbamazepine and not have any trouble. Thanks you for your time. Matta25


Re: Re: Re: Difference between Tegratol and Carbamazepine

Submitted by happycat2 on Fri, 2006-02-10 - 17:19
Hi matta25. I wish I could help out here with your search for an outcome. All I can add is I once read that in the U.S, Carbatrol  may be superior to Tegretol XR. The manufacturer emphasizes smoother blood levels over time (less "peaks and troughs".) which helps. I know over time I have taken tegretol, gained good control, and thank the Lord for that. I have a few joint problems that could be a side effect of tegretol, but I cope, no big deal or major issue. I can drive again, I have a life again. I'm avoiding surgery as long as I can, and taking the vitamins along with a calcium supplement. Hang in there, stay upbeat and positive. Cat. 

Re: Re: Re: Difference between Tegratol and Carbamazepine

Submitted by tdmunson on Sun, 2006-06-25 - 13:32
Toni Munson I had your same problem. For years I took Carbamazepine because I couldn't afford the Tegretol. I was told there was no difference, then I had a neurologist say it was better to take Tegretol. I was having a lot of break through seizures while on the carbamazepine and they were getting worse. Finally I got insurance and the Neurologist put me on Carbatrol XR. My Seizures are mostly controlled until 1 week in the month. Then I have break through seizures but they are only 30 seconds. I like Carbatrol a lot better. I think Tegretol and Carbatrol are better to take then the carbamazepine.

Re: Difference between Tegratol and Carbamazepine

Submitted by barretoml on Thu, 2006-05-18 - 12:21
I have been on Tegretol for 22 years, and occasionally have had to take Carbamezapine due to health insurance reasons, or being sent Carbamezapine when non-generic was not specified. I had one neurologist that said absolutely not to take it. I am taking it right now because of my insurance, and have noticed no difference, except that pill melts easily and tastes awful. I certainly paid less for the Carbamezapine, that's for sure. My currnent doctor doesn't seem to think it's a problem.

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