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Klonopin to help prevent seizures?

Thu, 05/18/2006 - 08:42
I get seizures due to hormonal fluctuations once a month. They happen before, during or after my period. I'm taking 350mg of Lamictal twice a day and still they occur. The doctor just advised a quarter to a hal mg. of klonopin nightly in the evening of my 'danger days' Klonopin puts me to sleep, I don't know why anyone would want to use this drug for recreation! Anyway, does anyone have any experience with konopin and seizure meds? Hope so! Nancy B. (Meskerkid)


Re: Klonopin to help prevent seizures?

Submitted by angel_lts on Fri, 2006-05-26 - 07:54
Nancy, I am not on klonopin. My doctor wanted me to take it because my hormones or getting off of phenobarbital could have caused very bad anxiety. Then causing seizures. So she wants me on klonopon to help with the anxiety. I went out and bought it. But I refuse to take it now. She told me it will be just as hard to get off like pheno was, and I will not go through that again. I would have to keep increasing because your body gets immuned to it fast. That is just ridiculous. I do take a natural progesterone cream for my hormones, made by a compound pharmacists. It has helped my seizures. So I will just take more of it during the beginning of my menstrual cycle to keep the seizures from coming, hopefully. I also started more exercising, stretching and breathing techniques to help with seizures, anxiety and hormones. So far so good. take care lisa

Re: Re: Klonopin to help prevent seizures?

Submitted by Meskerkid on Fri, 2006-05-26 - 08:17
Hey Lisa, I know how you feel about one drug on top of another. I'm going to ask about the progesterone cream. Has it helped? I've been doing the klonopin but only1/4 - 1/8 of a mg. that helps. I can't take more. It's not been a problem addictive wise but I haven't been prescribed a daily dose. I agree, I wouldn't do it either. I hate this, I'm prone to seizures, complex partial every month. Thankd for the suggestion, I"m going to ask about the cream. And I'm not going to complain about nightsweats anymore! They should be my biggest problem!! Take care. Nancy B.

Re: Re: Re: Klonopin to help prevent seizures?

Submitted by angel_lts on Fri, 2006-05-26 - 08:51
I had terrible heat flashes. I would be stripping of all my clothes in the morning. I would be laying there almost fully nude. lol :) My husband would say what are you doing? LOLOL So that is why I looked into the natural progesterone cream ONLY. Because then other problems would occur if it is a synthetic. I think it has helped alot with seizures, heat flashes(no more). your welcome lisa

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