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Medicine to control the side-effects--what do you think?

Sat, 05/14/2005 - 19:38
Hi Everyone...I've just developed a rash and because it is probably due to the lamictal that I recently started taking, I realize I'm going to have to change meds...again. I was looking through the info on the different meds and I know that what's left of the "add-on" choices aren't very appealing because of the side effects--cloudy thinking, fatigue, etc. I started thinking back through the meds I've already taken and thinking about why I changed some of them. Right after being diagnosed last year, I was on Depakote and didn't like it because I was depressed. I weaned off of it and all meds because I had only had one t/c so my dr. let me see if it was a one-time stress related such luck. After my second episode, I asked my dr. to start me on something else. Anyway, it seemed like depakote worked well for the seizures but I'm wondering other people's thoughts and experiences with taking meds to manage the side effects? I was thinking about an anti-depressant while on Depakote? Is it possible, heard of? I have called and left a message w/my dr. and want to ask her opinion when she calls to sort out the medicine thing but thought I'd ask on here too...she'll have a dr. opinion--I'd like to balance it by hearing some other folks opinions too...Feel free to e-mail me [email protected]. does anyone take anxiety medicine w/AED's? I have had that as a side effect to another sad that I'm recycling to see what can work if I can manage the side effects now that I'm running out of options....thus is the life...


RE: Medicine to control the side-effects--what do you think?

Submitted by Cedar on Sat, 2005-05-14 - 19:38
Hi, I only want to share that I completely relate. In saying this there is a bit I would like to share.I have been epileptic for 36 years was on two meds for a very long time. Then I went into perimenupase and the meds were not working as effectively. So for this past 14 months it has been trial and error and still not having stability as I may want. Some meds will work for awhile for me and then my body will begin to resist them. Depakote was one I was on and I had many side affects from it including, foggingness, slurred speech and weight gain. So was taken off it.As far as anti depressents, I am someone who has a very sensitive body and sensitive to meds and side affects. So since anti depressents can cause seizure activity for some, it did for me. So I can not be on them.Anxiety meds as all meds also have side affects so yes I was on it but it also interfers with my system. This has left me to realize the fewer meds I take the better I am. So I have had to look for alternative options and try them: these can be supplements, healthy diet, exercise and staying active. Some find that medical marijuanna helps them with stress,anxiety and reduces seizures. However for me it has been a life long thing to really get to know my body and note what and what not to put into it! Hope thios helps you some.Best to you on this journey. Keep us posted.

RE: RE: Medicine to control the side-effects--what do you think?

Submitted by Clunk1234567 on Sun, 2005-05-15 - 05:48

Hi mate, i'm on lamictal. Developing a rash while on lamictal should ring an alarm bell and should be referred to your doctor/neurologist as a matter of urgency. One of the most contemptable things about ALL the anti epilepsy drugs is the side effects, i for one would give my right arm to stop them. My biggest problem is i don't notice them all, other people d.

Hi mate, i'm on lamictal. Developing a rash while on lamictal should ring an alarm bell and should be referred to your doctor/neurologist as a matter of urgency. One of the most contemptable things about ALL the anti epilepsy drugs is the side effects, i for one would give my right arm to stop them. My biggest problem is i don't notice them all, other people d.

RE: Medicine to control the side-effects--what do you think?

Submitted by angel_lts on Sun, 2005-05-15 - 06:25
I was on lamictal and it kept me up all the time at night. I dealt with that for seven months and got off. Depakote I was very depression and sick from it for a month. I was just sitting around doing nothing. I would get off of anything that is not making me feel well. I dont believe in taking a pill with another pill just to make me feel better. For there are other drugs out there that are better. The more you mix, the harder it is with side effects.

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