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Medicine to control the side-effects--what do you think?

Sat, 05/14/2005 - 19:38
Hi Everyone...I've just developed a rash and because it is probably due to the lamictal that I recently started taking, I realize I'm going to have to change meds...again. I was looking through the info on the different meds and I know that what's left of the "add-on" choices aren't very appealing because of the side effects--cloudy thinking, fatigue, etc. I started thinking back through the meds I've already taken and thinking about why I changed some of them. Right after being diagnosed last year, I was on Depakote and didn't like it because I was depressed. I weaned off of it and all meds because I had only had one t/c so my dr. let me see if it was a one-time stress related such luck. After my second episode, I asked my dr. to start me on something else. Anyway, it seemed like depakote worked well for the seizures but I'm wondering other people's thoughts and experiences with taking meds to manage the side effects? I was thinking about an anti-depressant while on Depakote? Is it possible, heard of? I have called and left a message w/my dr. and want to ask her opinion when she calls to sort out the medicine thing but thought I'd ask on here too...she'll have a dr. opinion--I'd like to balance it by hearing some other folks opinions too...Feel free to e-mail me [email protected]. does anyone take anxiety medicine w/AED's? I have had that as a side effect to another sad that I'm recycling to see what can work if I can manage the side effects now that I'm running out of options....thus is the life...


RE: Medicine to control the side-effects--what do you think?

Submitted by SteviesMom on Sun, 2005-05-15 - 07:09


my daughter started out on 5 mg of lamictal. after  3 days  she developed  the rash.  her dr took her off of it and then restarted it when the rash went away.  then he increased it very slowly.  she now takes 100mg of lamictal twice a day and has had no problems with it at all.  i know her dr said that klonipin was good for seizures and it also helps with anxiety.  good luck to you. 




my daughter started out on 5 mg of lamictal. after  3 days  she developed  the rash.  her dr took her off of it and then restarted it when the rash went away.  then he increased it very slowly.  she now takes 100mg of lamictal twice a day and has had no problems with it at all.  i know her dr said that klonipin was good for seizures and it also helps with anxiety.  good luck to you. 



RE: RE: Medicine to control the side-effects--what do you think?

Submitted by jinx1331xnij on Sun, 2005-05-15 - 12:09
Thats exactly what I take now for my ep., lamictal and clonazepam. seriously, from what I was told if u get a rash when u first start lamictal u have to get help immediately.

RE: Medicine to control the side-effects--what do you think?

Submitted by txrhb1 on Sun, 2005-05-15 - 14:35


Talk to your doctor about the Lamictal.  I am on Lamictal, and have only been on for 4 weeks.  My epileptologist said that I could develop a rash, and it may not be the "RASH" you get when you are allergic.  By all means, if you are having hives, swelling in the mouth, etc., go to the hospital, without waiting to hear from your doctor.  Otherwise, you may just have to back off of the Lamictal for a while, and then proceed.  I'm definitely not a doctor, just passing on what my doctor told me.

I take Lexapro for the depression, and have taken it will all my different AED's.  My doctor is now hoping that the Lamictal will work on the depression also and we can wean off of the Lexapro.

Good luck,





Talk to your doctor about the Lamictal.  I am on Lamictal, and have only been on for 4 weeks.  My epileptologist said that I could develop a rash, and it may not be the "RASH" you get when you are allergic.  By all means, if you are having hives, swelling in the mouth, etc., go to the hospital, without waiting to hear from your doctor.  Otherwise, you may just have to back off of the Lamictal for a while, and then proceed.  I'm definitely not a doctor, just passing on what my doctor told me.

I take Lexapro for the depression, and have taken it will all my different AED's.  My doctor is now hoping that the Lamictal will work on the depression also and we can wean off of the Lexapro.

Good luck,




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