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Medicine to control the side-effects--what do you think?

Sat, 05/14/2005 - 19:38
Hi Everyone...I've just developed a rash and because it is probably due to the lamictal that I recently started taking, I realize I'm going to have to change meds...again. I was looking through the info on the different meds and I know that what's left of the "add-on" choices aren't very appealing because of the side effects--cloudy thinking, fatigue, etc. I started thinking back through the meds I've already taken and thinking about why I changed some of them. Right after being diagnosed last year, I was on Depakote and didn't like it because I was depressed. I weaned off of it and all meds because I had only had one t/c so my dr. let me see if it was a one-time stress related such luck. After my second episode, I asked my dr. to start me on something else. Anyway, it seemed like depakote worked well for the seizures but I'm wondering other people's thoughts and experiences with taking meds to manage the side effects? I was thinking about an anti-depressant while on Depakote? Is it possible, heard of? I have called and left a message w/my dr. and want to ask her opinion when she calls to sort out the medicine thing but thought I'd ask on here too...she'll have a dr. opinion--I'd like to balance it by hearing some other folks opinions too...Feel free to e-mail me [email protected]. does anyone take anxiety medicine w/AED's? I have had that as a side effect to another sad that I'm recycling to see what can work if I can manage the side effects now that I'm running out of options....thus is the life...


RE: Medicine to control the side-effects--what do you think?

Submitted by Samantha on Sun, 2005-05-15 - 06:30

Hi Toni,

I also had to get off the Lamictal due to rash.  I have also had been on Depakote (had weight gain and was depressed) and Trileptal (got hives on that one).  I am currently on Topamax, which gives me tingling in my hands and feet, track vision when I first wake up, stomach cramping for ~3 days whenever I have to increase my dose, and I see red and blue spots when I start getting tired at the end of the day.  Oh yes, and weight loss, but that basically brought me to my pre-Depakote weight so I am content with that side effect. I am definately relating with you when it comes to side effects.  However, you definately have to get off the Lamictal if you have a rash -- there is that rare condition that can cause death (Stevens-Johnsons-Something-or-Other) so listen to your doctor.  Share with him/her your concenrs with depression and anxiety.  As far as I know, the only psychiatriac mediation that is a major no-no for people with seizure disorders is Wellbutrin (studies indicated that psychiatric patients with previously diagnosed seizure disorders were 30% more likely to have seizures while taking Wellbutrin -- wild, huh?).

Hope that helps....


Hi Toni,

I also had to get off the Lamictal due to rash.  I have also had been on Depakote (had weight gain and was depressed) and Trileptal (got hives on that one).  I am currently on Topamax, which gives me tingling in my hands and feet, track vision when I first wake up, stomach cramping for ~3 days whenever I have to increase my dose, and I see red and blue spots when I start getting tired at the end of the day.  Oh yes, and weight loss, but that basically brought me to my pre-Depakote weight so I am content with that side effect. I am definately relating with you when it comes to side effects.  However, you definately have to get off the Lamictal if you have a rash -- there is that rare condition that can cause death (Stevens-Johnsons-Something-or-Other) so listen to your doctor.  Share with him/her your concenrs with depression and anxiety.  As far as I know, the only psychiatriac mediation that is a major no-no for people with seizure disorders is Wellbutrin (studies indicated that psychiatric patients with previously diagnosed seizure disorders were 30% more likely to have seizures while taking Wellbutrin -- wild, huh?).

Hope that helps....


RE: RE: Medicine to control the side-effects--what do you think?

Submitted by Mandy on Mon, 2005-05-16 - 03:27

Hi Samatha,

I don't really know what to be saying here as i am new to this.   Hope you don't feel like i am interupting in your conversation, but i though that i would join in as i am also on Lamictal and Topamax.  I was diagnosed with Epilepsy in 2003 and was told that i had it all my life. (News to me & my family)   Anyway, i have been on Lamictal since 2003 up until recently my Neurologist said that i was still having seizures on the dose which was 50mg in the morning & 50mg in the evening.  So she put me on Topamax for 3 months and has since started to ween me off the Lamictal.  One more week to go on the Lamictal and then i am only on the Topamax which i can't wait for, I am like a walking pharmacy with the amount of tablets i have in my bag!!

I too have the pins and needles in my hands and toes with Topmax and the weight loss (not such a bad thing with the weight loss!!).  and i am happy with those side effects, the pins and needles dont come that often any more and when they do it doesn't last that long.  I also have more energy, such a change from the Lamictal, where i had no energy, had migranes didn't want to know anybody, depressed all the time.

Anyway, when i saw somebody that had been on the same tablets as me i had to email and give part of my story. 

Hope everything goes well for you,

Take care,

Mandy !!

Hi Samatha,

I don't really know what to be saying here as i am new to this.   Hope you don't feel like i am interupting in your conversation, but i though that i would join in as i am also on Lamictal and Topamax.  I was diagnosed with Epilepsy in 2003 and was told that i had it all my life. (News to me & my family)   Anyway, i have been on Lamictal since 2003 up until recently my Neurologist said that i was still having seizures on the dose which was 50mg in the morning & 50mg in the evening.  So she put me on Topamax for 3 months and has since started to ween me off the Lamictal.  One more week to go on the Lamictal and then i am only on the Topamax which i can't wait for, I am like a walking pharmacy with the amount of tablets i have in my bag!!

I too have the pins and needles in my hands and toes with Topmax and the weight loss (not such a bad thing with the weight loss!!).  and i am happy with those side effects, the pins and needles dont come that often any more and when they do it doesn't last that long.  I also have more energy, such a change from the Lamictal, where i had no energy, had migranes didn't want to know anybody, depressed all the time.

Anyway, when i saw somebody that had been on the same tablets as me i had to email and give part of my story. 

Hope everything goes well for you,

Take care,

Mandy !!

RE: RE: RE: Medicine to control the side-effects--what do you th

Submitted by taho on Mon, 2005-05-16 - 11:35
Hi Everyone,Thanks for all of the information. I have kaiser and talked to the advice nurse on Saturday. It was strange because the rash was only in one specific place on my body--and it was inside of a sunburn. I have a sunburn on my neck, in a V shape--the rash was all inside the V and has gotten better over the last two days. I am waiting for my dr. to call me back but I don't think it is med related...I didn't stop taking my meds on the recommendation of the person at kaiser. They said if I had a fever, or swelling in my mouth or all those things mentioned at the top to go to the hospital. My husband kept checking the rest of my body to see if I had a rash anywhere else. So far, my only lamictal side effect is a little bit of sleeplessness. But I am on Dilantin at night and it seems to balance that a little bit. I also have migranes, but my dr. doesn't think it is related as I have a family history and have had them on every med. I take a medicine when I have one and that helps a lot. I'll keep you posted if I find out anything that's not shared here.Toni

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