The Epilepsy Community Forums are closed, and the information is archived. The content in this section may not be current or apply to all situations. In addition, forum questions and responses include information and content that has been generated by epilepsy community members. This content is not moderated. The information on these pages should not be substituted for medical advice from a healthcare provider. Experiences with epilepsy can vary greatly on an individual basis. Please contact your doctor or medical team if you have any questions about your situation. For more information, learn about epilepsy or visit our resources section.


Tue, 05/10/2005 - 07:47

Does anyone know if you are on his medication

1. Does it make you gain weight

2. Does it make you use the washroom alot more

As for it does both,was wondering if this was normal reaction to the drug



RE: trileptal

Submitted by chips on Fri, 2005-05-06 - 09:39

Me too,wonder if that is a side effect

Does any one know,I also heard that because you go alot, it might be taking all the sodium out of your body

Me too,wonder if that is a side effect

Does any one know,I also heard that because you go alot, it might be taking all the sodium out of your body

RE: RE: trileptal

Submitted by Hope19 on Fri, 2005-05-06 - 12:57
I take it also.. i have a hard time wakeing up and im all bummpy and crap but we dont know just thought i would give my input

RE: RE: RE: trileptal

Submitted by 38benny on Fri, 2005-05-06 - 13:22

I am not on this drug but this is what I found at WEBMD... Frequent urination is under less severe side effects but it is on the list...  Hope this helps   JoAnne

Trileptal Oral
Back to Drug Overview

Does this medication have side effects?

The following side effects are associated with Trileptal Oral:

Common side effects:

Double VisionSevere
Involuntary Eye MovementSevere
Acute Infection of the Nose, Throat or SinusSevere
Sensation of Spinning or WhirlingSevere
Voluntary Movement DifficultySevere
Emotional InstabilitySevere
Inflammation of the NoseLess Severe
DrowsinessLess Severe
Low EnergyLess Severe
Involuntary QuiveringLess Severe
Head PainLess Severe
Feel Like Throwing UpLess Severe
Throwing UpLess Severe
Stomach CrampsLess Severe

Infrequent side effects:

Toxic Effect on Brain or Spinal Cord FunctionSevere
Decrease in the Sharpness of VisionSevere
Abnormally Low Blood PressureSevere
Throat InfectionSevere
Sinus Irritation and CongestionSevere
Infection caused by a VirusSevere
Urinary Tract InfectionSevere
Inflammation or Infection of VaginaSevere
Loss of MemorySevere
Excessive ThirstSevere
Abnormal Recording of the Electrical Activity of the BrainSevere
Low Amount of Sodium in the BloodSevere
Dry MouthLess Severe
IndigestionLess Severe
Incomplete or Infrequent Bowel MovementsLess Severe
"Change of Life" SignsLess Severe
AcneLess Severe
BackacheLess Severe
Muscle WeaknessLess Severe
Abnormal Trouble SleepingLess Severe
Excessive SweatingLess Severe
Taste ProblemsLess Severe
Difficulty SpeakingLess Severe
NosebleedLess Severe
CoughLess Severe
Chest PainLess Severe
DiarrheaLess Severe
Excess UrinationLess Severe
NervousLess Severe

Rare side effects:

Burning StomachSevere
Blood coming from AnusSevere
Erythema MultiformeSevere
Toxic Epidermal NecrolysisSevere
Stevens-Johnson SyndromeSevere
Joint PainSevere
Fluid Retention in the Legs, Feet, Arms or HandsSevere
Swollen Lymph NodesSevere
Allergic Reaction caused by a DrugSevere
Large Purple or Brown Skin BlotchesSevere
Increased Eosinophils in the BloodSevere

I am not on this drug but this is what I found at WEBMD... Frequent urination is under less severe side effects but it is on the list...  Hope this helps   JoAnne

Trileptal Oral
Back to Drug Overview

Does this medication have side effects?

The following side effects are associated with Trileptal Oral:

Common side effects:

Double VisionSevere
Involuntary Eye MovementSevere
Acute Infection of the Nose, Throat or SinusSevere
Sensation of Spinning or WhirlingSevere
Voluntary Movement DifficultySevere
Emotional InstabilitySevere
Inflammation of the NoseLess Severe
DrowsinessLess Severe
Low EnergyLess Severe
Involuntary QuiveringLess Severe
Head PainLess Severe
Feel Like Throwing UpLess Severe
Throwing UpLess Severe
Stomach CrampsLess Severe

Infrequent side effects:

Toxic Effect on Brain or Spinal Cord FunctionSevere
Decrease in the Sharpness of VisionSevere
Abnormally Low Blood PressureSevere
Throat InfectionSevere
Sinus Irritation and CongestionSevere
Infection caused by a VirusSevere
Urinary Tract InfectionSevere
Inflammation or Infection of VaginaSevere
Loss of MemorySevere
Excessive ThirstSevere
Abnormal Recording of the Electrical Activity of the BrainSevere
Low Amount of Sodium in the BloodSevere
Dry MouthLess Severe
IndigestionLess Severe
Incomplete or Infrequent Bowel MovementsLess Severe
"Change of Life" SignsLess Severe
AcneLess Severe
BackacheLess Severe
Muscle WeaknessLess Severe
Abnormal Trouble SleepingLess Severe
Excessive SweatingLess Severe
Taste ProblemsLess Severe
Difficulty SpeakingLess Severe
NosebleedLess Severe
CoughLess Severe
Chest PainLess Severe
DiarrheaLess Severe
Excess UrinationLess Severe
NervousLess Severe

Rare side effects:

Burning StomachSevere
Blood coming from AnusSevere
Erythema MultiformeSevere
Toxic Epidermal NecrolysisSevere
Stevens-Johnson SyndromeSevere
Joint PainSevere
Fluid Retention in the Legs, Feet, Arms or HandsSevere
Swollen Lymph NodesSevere
Allergic Reaction caused by a DrugSevere
Large Purple or Brown Skin BlotchesSevere
Increased Eosinophils in the BloodSevere

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