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Trileptal and Dilantin

Fri, 11/25/2005 - 23:24
Hello, I had to ask if anyone was taking both trileptal and dilantin at the same time. I was first put on trileptal after my first seizure in May. My dose was 600mg twice a day. It took a while but I was able to tollerate the medication enough to function. I had another siezure in October and the doctor put me on Dilantin as well. I am taking 300mg of Dilantin every day along with 1200mg a day of trileptal. My biggest problem with the medication is being drowsy at certain periods of the day. I can not stay awake, especially, after I eat lunch for some reason. I also dream more than I ever have. I mean those dreams that seem so real you can not believe they are not real when you wake up. Sometimes I get really depressed, but I am not sure if the medication is causing it. I went from flying a business jet in May to being isolated and not being able to drive. I have a positive outlook, and I am lucky that I have a loving wife with a good job to help me sort everything out. Anyway, I was just wondering if anyone was taking this combination of medications and, if so, are they having any problems.


Re: Re: Re: Hello hartjus, I do not have

Submitted by hartjus on Sun, 2005-11-27 - 10:57
Hello skyblue, I am not to thrilled with the new format either. I created a new email address on hotmail because I did not want to give out my real email address out to the general public. Just send me an email at [email protected] and maybe we can help eachother. I have great people around me but they really don't understand. It is not their fault, but only people in this situation fully understand all the effects epilepsy has on you. Thanks. Justin

Re: Trileptal and Dilantin

Submitted by elisabeth on Sun, 2005-11-27 - 09:45
Hi, I am new to the forum. I was diagnosed almost five years ago (at 21) and have been on trileptal for about four years. I was on dilantin before that, but started having double vision and it wasn't working that well. I get so exhausted that I find myself sleeping away my weekends. I get up at 10am, and fall back asleep from 2-6pm. I am a teacher so my job takes a lot of energy, but I take a 300mg pill at 12pm so it is a little coincidental that I can't keep my eyes open exactly 2 hours after I take it. I am frustrated because going out with friends is so difficult. I am so tired my eyes start to hurt. I am only on 900mg a day. I couldn't tolerate the 1200mg. Hang in there, but I definitely understand the feeling! I have a lot of supportive people in my life, but they think I give in to the exhaustion. I don't think they understand exactly how tired I get.

Re: Trileptal and Dilantin

Submitted by ambivilant21 on Tue, 2006-04-25 - 12:23
This is much belated, but I noticed this post in a websearch and decided it was worth contributing. A couple years ago I switched from Dilantin to Trileptal because of swollen gums, and my neurologist titrated one out and the other in at once; he told me there's potential side effects of using both at once, though I can't remember the specifics. I remember there being an greater risk of seizures during the process, but that could have been just because I wasn't on a full dose of either drug. So if my doctor did this, I'd at least ask about their reasoning, and if they weren't aware of this potential interaction I'd get a second opinion. (It's too bad there's no way to contact hartjus, and he's unlikely to check this thread after so long - ah well, hopefully he's on a better med combination by now anyway.)

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