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Trileptal and Dilantin

Fri, 11/25/2005 - 23:24
Hello, I had to ask if anyone was taking both trileptal and dilantin at the same time. I was first put on trileptal after my first seizure in May. My dose was 600mg twice a day. It took a while but I was able to tollerate the medication enough to function. I had another siezure in October and the doctor put me on Dilantin as well. I am taking 300mg of Dilantin every day along with 1200mg a day of trileptal. My biggest problem with the medication is being drowsy at certain periods of the day. I can not stay awake, especially, after I eat lunch for some reason. I also dream more than I ever have. I mean those dreams that seem so real you can not believe they are not real when you wake up. Sometimes I get really depressed, but I am not sure if the medication is causing it. I went from flying a business jet in May to being isolated and not being able to drive. I have a positive outlook, and I am lucky that I have a loving wife with a good job to help me sort everything out. Anyway, I was just wondering if anyone was taking this combination of medications and, if so, are they having any problems.


Re: Trileptal and Dilantin

Submitted by babzy on Mon, 2007-05-14 - 01:49
hi hartjus, i have been on dilantin forever and i was put on trileptal 3 months ago.. i have partial complex seizures. my trileptal was up to 900mg and the dilantin was 260 a day.. it not only zonked the heck out of me and made me tired but it also took who i was and put it to rest if that makes sense. i had no desire to do the things i would normally love to do on one hand and i was wicked dizzy for 3-4 hours straight,.. i had nitemares not dreams and i have gained weight on trileptal. trileptal hasnt improved the seizures, it has only changed the way i feel them/for example: i dont get auras prior to the seizure, i just bounce right into having the seizure which is worse hope this helps shed some lite. good luck

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