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Thu, 05/18/2006 - 09:26

Anyone on it? I'm on 300mg. Been on it a just over a month after a rapid switch from Keppra, had very bad psychological side effects. Trying to give this one a chance, had 1, may be 2 good weeks now i'm starting to feel like I did on the Keppra: very aggitated, anxious, mood swings, sudden depression, feel like my body is trembling/ humming/ full of electricity, feel like I want to pull skin off/ hit myself to relieve the irritation...going CRAZY...anyone relate?


Re: Zonegran

Submitted by lee on Thu, 2006-05-18 - 10:14
Hi FayeZee, I am also on zonagran 600mg a day it may be a reaction from the keppra, all i can say is give it awhile, but mood swings are common with E, as is depression, I do know what it feels like, if you drink anything with caffine cut back it will help a lot, good luck and let me know how things go, and keep intouch with your doc, zonagran is new and there is not a lot of info on it.

Re: Zonegran

Submitted by renae on Fri, 2006-05-19 - 02:51
I have probably been on most of the medications out there at one time or another. Zonegran was not a pleasant experience for me or anyone in this house. I was only getting about 2-4 hours of sleep each night. One night, my husband made some sort of comment and I blew up at him. I told him I was leaving and called a cab to pick me up. He had to call the police and an ambulance. They insisted I go to the hospital. It was either that or they take me. Fortunately my son (my husband's step-son) was willing to stay with my husband against my wishes. I ended up in the hospital for about a week. It took about 4 days before I was willing to even speak to my husband. Once I was off of it and started taking another medication, everything was fine. We all react to meds differently; but do ask your doctor about it.

Re: Re: Zonegran

Submitted by missdee on Fri, 2006-05-19 - 07:48
i've been on zonegran for about a year and a half. did very well but started having seizures again. recently increased dosage and now very depressed, agitated- seeing psychiatrist, increased on lexapro now too.i want to sleep all the time too. currently on fmla from my job also. still trying to give the increased dose a chance. keppra, lamictal, topamax and another- can't remember the name- were absolutely had been a very good aed for over a year.

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