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Thu, 05/18/2006 - 09:26

Anyone on it? I'm on 300mg. Been on it a just over a month after a rapid switch from Keppra, had very bad psychological side effects. Trying to give this one a chance, had 1, may be 2 good weeks now i'm starting to feel like I did on the Keppra: very aggitated, anxious, mood swings, sudden depression, feel like my body is trembling/ humming/ full of electricity, feel like I want to pull skin off/ hit myself to relieve the irritation...going CRAZY...anyone relate?


Re: Re: Zonegran

Submitted by IRule on Fri, 2006-11-03 - 16:03
Hi Luna, I started taking Zonegran (for the 2nd time) in August of 2005. I took it before but was removed for 4 months because some lame Neuro was conviced I was faking my seizures...ummmm nope sorry to disappoint you Doc...sorry...were was I...oh yeah I started losing weight about November and by December I had really lost weight. How many MG are you on? I take 500 MG a day. 200 MG in AM and 300 MG at night. My neuro states it isn't really THAT common to have the big weight loss that I had, it is more like 10-20 pounds but I know others have lost weight too. I know every time my dosage is increased I drop more weight. I am now down 75 pounds, but some of it also was from changing my eating and exercising. Dayna

Re: Re: Re: Zonegran

Submitted by m.campbell on Fri, 2006-11-03 - 16:59
IVE been on it for a few years now and lost 25 to 30 first im also on tegr.they dont control my sezures so i had a vns put in that helps alot from what it use to trying a new med im not going to say what it is till i see if it works at all for me because so far ive tried all the drugs in the book and then some to no help im 55 and not ready to give up but i cant work anymore in the job i use to i cant drive

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