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Sat, 01/26/2008 - 09:00
I want to ask the men, how do you girlfriends/wives cope with your seizures?  I don't sleep in the same bed with my hubby because he has nighttime grand mals, and it scares me and I can't get any proper rest.


Re: seizures

Submitted by mindyk on Sat, 2008-01-26 - 12:37

I too have spent many nights sleeping on the couch. It isn't as comfy as the bed, but in comparison I get more sleep. And if you are a care giver you need to do your best to get rest. I used to be scared of the night time movements, but now I just do it more to get a better rest. Good luck and hang in there.


I too have spent many nights sleeping on the couch. It isn't as comfy as the bed, but in comparison I get more sleep. And if you are a care giver you need to do your best to get rest. I used to be scared of the night time movements, but now I just do it more to get a better rest. Good luck and hang in there.


Re: seizures

Submitted by queeniw on Sat, 2008-01-26 - 18:11
  I am the wife having the night time seizures, at least 2-4 everynight.  They aren't grand mal but still a seizure.  I actually wouldn't even know I have them except for the fact that it wakes my husband up.  I have to admit we have lived with this for quite a few years and just recently resorted to buying a king size bed.  He does get much better sleep.  I am also very fortunate to have a husband that has learned to deal with them and will sleep by my side.  Goood luck - I know it is a pain!

Re: seizures

Submitted by queeniw on Sat, 2008-01-26 - 18:15
 Hi!  I'm very confused.  I just ansered this and yet this blank space for a reply is showing up.  Also I added a comment earlier today and it never showed up.  What am I doing wrong????

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