Community Forum Archive

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Topic: Parents & Caregivers

Daughter So Sleepy on meds

11/2006 | 2 Comments

My 10 year daughter just started on Tergtrol, taking 1 100 mil tablet in morning and evening. Its is just kicking her butt bigtime on one pill we are...
Infantile Spasms (West Syndrome)

11/2006 | 0 Comments

I know there have been several other posts and threads on this, but I wanted to actually inform other parents whose child has been diagnosed with...
24 hr EEG/video in hospital

11/2006 | 5 Comments

Has anyone ever had one of these done for a 3 1/2 year old? I have no idea how I am supposed to entertain a 3 1/2 year old for 24 hours! I am dreading...
need your advice and opinions..please

11/2006 | 2 Comments

i was wondering has anyone had a child with sz that hullicinates or hears things that are not there? my daughter has been for quite a while now and at...
School is too hard!

11/2006 | 5 Comments

My dd was four when she was diagnosed. We treated her with Lamictal right away. She has multiple multiple generalized and absence seizures. The...
One day at a time!!!

11/2006 | 0 Comments

Hi everybody my name is Jim and I am from Albany, NY. I am a father of a 2 year old little girl who I have custody of. I have had epilepsy for the...
to treat or not to treat

11/2006 | 5 Comments

Our boy (5 years old), was diagnosed with Epilepsy at 2.5yrs after tonic-clonic febrile seizures and a drop seizure when sick. EEGs show absence...

11/2006 | 2 Comments

My daughter just started Zonegran last week. When I picked up the information packet it stated not for children under the age of 16. I called the...
Medication concern

11/2006 | 2 Comments

My daughter started has partial and generalized seizures starting at the age of 4 that I am aware of. She has been on medication since the age of 5...

11/2006 | 0 Comments

Hi!My 9 year old daughter has not had seizures since very early childhood, other than the odd abscence one, which didn't seem to do anything to her...
Has anyone else had these type of issues?

11/2006 | 2 Comments

My daughter is 7 years old and had petit mal seizures. WE have tried Depakote, Lamictal and Kepra. None of the drugs worked. SHe was getting were she...
my daughter and school

10/2006 | 14 Comments

i have a few concerns with the school my 6 year old goes to.she developed epilepsy a year ago and we have now started treating it about a month and...
Need Advice

10/2006 | 5 Comments

My dd is 7 years old. She has been having Absense seizures for the past 14 months. She has been on Zarontin and Lamictal and neither of them are...
son has tonic clonic seizues

10/2006 | 3 Comments

my son is 16 years old now. he's been having seizures for 2 years to this month. 7 grand mals. 2 in the last 2 weeks plus 2 petit mals (also with bad...
walking the passageways just waiting

10/2006 | 3 Comments

thats how I feel. god knows how my 14yro daughter feels wont talk about it. you would think that since she is getting the VNS installed this wednesday...
Why is my daugther so tired?

10/2006 | 11 Comments

I am wondering if anyone else's child with epilepsy seems tired a lot. My 5 year old (soon to be six in November) takes 15 mg of Topomax at night. She...
Travelling with E?

10/2006 | 0 Comments

We are taking my son Thomas to Disneyland, Florida in June next year. Due to his epilepsy, First Choice are charging us £90 extra for travelling...

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