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anyone had VNS?

Mon, 01/23/2006 - 07:40
hi, I'm considering having VNS but i'm worried about ... well all of it really. I had surgery before and it didnt work so thats why I'm hesitant I think. Anyway I'd like to hear peoples VNS experiences, if you dont mind sharing them, good or bad. email me if you want or just post them. Nick


Re: anyone had VNS?

Submitted by angel_lts on Tue, 2006-01-24 - 12:26
Nick I hesitated to tell my story of the VNS. But it is really nothing to worry about and you need to know the good and the bad. I had the VNS in for about eight months. I got sleep apnea from it and it had to be turned off. It is very rare to get that. ANd if it is rare I will get it. But the one good thing about it is, I can still turn it back on with the magnet when I need it. And gosh it has been a life safer for me. It is like a security blanket. Well that was not so bad now! :) take care and good luck with your choice Lisa

Re: Re: anyone had VNS?

Submitted by Nick g on Tue, 2006-01-24 - 12:45
its good to know i'm not the only one whos worried by this. docters talk about it like its so simple. do you have to turn it on every time you have a seizure?

Re: anyone had VNS?

Submitted by sunnflowerz on Fri, 2006-05-12 - 07:53
Hi, I have had my VNS since the year 2000.It controls my seizures with the aid of two medications,which are Carbatrol and Lamictal.But there are down sides to everything.Go to

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