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Left Anterior Temporal Lobectomy- postoperative

Thu, 03/14/2019 - 16:23
My boyfriend had a Left Anterior Temporal Lobectomy 2/27/19 for cluster seizures brought on from an untreated TBI. Since then, he has had severe headaches/head pains near surgery site and the doctors said it should be a pretty painless surgery. He is also suffering from personality changes that are pretty hard to swallow for the rest of us. He had depression and anxiety before surgery, which seems to have increased since then. Nothing seems to make him happy, he seems to think none of us are trying to genuinely help him, he has become very aggressive and speaks down/nasty to us, saying some very hurtful things to us. Does anyone have any information or advice?! Please help us, we are desperate. Side note: he refuses to go on any additional medication for the depression & anxiety, since his seizure meds already give him adverse side effects. Sincerely, Desperate girlfriend :'(


Don't be too hard on yourself

Submitted by Jazz101 on Thu, 2019-03-14 - 20:29
Don't be too hard on yourself. You said he seems to feel none of you seem to be helping him. Then ask what is it you guys are getting wrong, so to speak. His answer might help you better understand if he has a valid point or if he is just overwhelmed and taking tossing is frustration your way.What's most important is that you are not overwhelming yourself. Best Regards

You are welcome Ciara. If he

Submitted by Jazz101 on Fri, 2019-03-15 - 19:06
You are welcome Ciara. If he is pondering the success of the surgery, that will probably frustrate him. That is way the neurosurgeons usually don't tell us we'll definitely be seizure-free because the brain is so unique that they can't quite predict everything.If he is feeling regrets about the surgery that will overwhelm him. That said, overwhelming adds to the probability of seizures. So hopefully his neurologist can make these things known him. I have to be realistic about the fact that my seizures can return. But knowing my neurosurgeon did a great job, coupled with the fact that I am realistic about the brain, I don't ponder it daily. I have had auras post surgery but over time we edited the medication that has been effective. In my case it wasn't a surprise because I knew we had to leave a very tiny piece in place because it was almost language and speech. That said, we did the language mapping during the actual surgery and we were able to remove 2.5 of the 3 pieces that initially looked like it could not be removed. That 2.5 and the other areas that had passed the test when they did the language mapping during the actual surgery.Sounds scary but it's amazing how you can still function during the actual surgery. And because we did it that way my surgeon was able to see and touch the areas as I was answering questions. That way he was able to calculate the 2.5 of the 3 areas that initially failed the language mapping test.So as you can see, that half of that tiny piece we had to leave behind is what made me not so surprised when the aura occurred. I hope you guys can manage to maintain yourselves and hopefully his frustration eases. Best Regards

Hello,Painless surgery?  Even

Submitted by RTL on Fri, 2019-03-15 - 20:43
Hello,Painless surgery?  Even if I hadn't had the experience I couldn't imagine having my skull drilled into as being painless!  I had surgery on the right side and I'm pretty sure the headaches lasted at least two weeks.  Depression was quoted as a risk, with the proviso that it usually works itself out.  Nobody was around to complain about my personality. :)  I have described some of my thoughts and experiences here:

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