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Left Parietal Lobe - surgery

Sat, 04/12/2008 - 12:22


I have parietal lobe epilepsy and have just found out yesterday that I got the green light for surgery.

I hav yet to meet the neurosurgon and discuss how successful it could be and the risks involvoed if I still want to go through with it.

The doctors were worried that it might affect my speech but turns out i am using my speech in another area of the brain, not near my scar which is all good news.

I was just wondering if anyone who has had parietal lobe surgery could let me know the outcome of going through with it, if it was worth it, any body parts affected after etc


I would appreciate this very much.


Thanks in advance,




Re: Left Parietal Lobe - surgery

Submitted by StaceyM on Tue, 2010-02-23 - 18:09
What wonderful news! I'm so glad you are experiencing such a great outcome and tapering off your meds. It must be such a relief to not be having those complex partials and to be able to focus on other (happy!) parts of your life. I got back from my evaluation and there is still no visible lesion. Based on the new VEEG and SPECT scans that they did, they think that the seizures are coming from the parietal/ left operculum. The conference said that I would be a difficult surgical candidate, but that I may go forward with phase II monitoring (the intra-cranial EEG with subdural electrodes and depth electrodes). Did you have to have the subdural grids before your surgery? I feel scared about making a decision, but at the same time can't imagine going forward without trying everything possible. Do you happen to know exactly which part of the parietal lobe your seizures used to come from? Best, Stacey M.

Re: Left Parietal Lobe - surgery

Submitted by quirky on Sat, 2010-02-27 - 09:50
Hi stacey Im off the meds completely now :-) As for the EEG, before my surgery I had an EEG done in hospital stayed there for a week hooked up to electrodes 24/7. These were glued to the surface of my head. I didnt have electrodes inside. The EEG showed up where my seizures were originating from the parietal lobe on the left, exactly where my lesion was. I do not know what part of my parietal lobe that was in jured. I only knew there was a big scar (lesion) there and comes up as a big white blob on the mri scan. I really do hope it all goes well for you. Maybe this second phase will get you to be a candidate for surgery. My fingers are crossed for you :-)

Re: Left Parietal Lobe - surgery

Submitted by jimmyB on Sun, 2010-02-28 - 20:43
Our 18 yo son has partial seizures.He was just officially diagnosed afer 3rd day of 7 days in hospital on video EEG.He also has the sphenoidal electrodes in.He is a freshman at UT-Austin and as you can imagine the dr,is talking about all the possible options.He is hopeful they are all coming from left side only.he has been on Keppra XR for about a month at approx. 95% SUCCESS RATE.NOT GOOD ENOUGH TO DRIVE. We have been in hospital since Wed. and he thought he was going home tomorrow, but not til Tuesday..It is so wonderful to see someone like you talking about a hope ..James's life has been turned upside down..literally in the last 3 months.. Thanks Jimmy

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