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left temporal lobectomy done end of September! 06

Tue, 10/17/2006 - 13:04
Well, it is finally finished! My surgery was done September 25th and it looks like it was a success! I haven't had even one seizure or anything since I was on the OR table! I have no regrets either! I recooperated really well and I am almost back to normal. I just still have to refrain from lifting for another week or so. If anyone asked me, I would recommend for them to at least give it a try. It was an emotional and stressful year leading up to it but it was worth it! I am just so excited about the future now! Good luck to everyone and Hugs! Chumtochatwith


Re: Re: Re: left temporal lobectomy done end of September! 06

Submitted by sjhall04 on Wed, 2006-11-15 - 06:52
hi Congratulations on the surgery. I am looking into surgery as an option at the moment for a scar on my left temporal lobe. Can you tell me what your seizures were like before (ie. frequency?) It is the hardest choice to make as I do not have grand mal seizures on a frequent basis, but I do have auras and petit mal seizures more which impact my everyday life. I don't know if I should take the risk, or just stay on the medication. I am trying to find if anyone is in a similar situation. thanks sam

Re: Re: Re: Re: left temporal lobectomy done end of September! 0

Submitted by chumtochatwith on Thu, 2006-11-16 - 12:10
Hi Sam, my seizures were triggered by music so anywhere that I was exposed to that I had a seizure. Up to 4 per day if I was exposed that much. Usually 2-3 per week minimum. I tried numerous medications without success and my seizures were the same, auras and petit mals. I only had a few grand mals few and far between. But all of my seizures were coming from the same spot. And you are right, it does impact everyday life. So, I would recommend that you seriously look into the possibility. It has tremendously improved mine. There is no denying that the surgery is like nothing you will ever experience again but it is all worth it. I was awake for most of mine since the surgeon wanted to map where my speech was located. Two of my tests said it was on the opposite side of where it would be expected to be, that is the dominant side. They said mine was on the right hemisphere and I am right handed so the surgeon just wanted to make sure. If you have anymore questions, please feel free to ask. Good luck with everything. Chumtochatwith

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