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Left Temporal Surgery

Sat, 04/22/2006 - 22:05
My Wife underwent Left Temporal Lobectomy Surgery Last Year in Jan 2005. After being home for 3 days after a week after the surgery everything was fine, then on the 4th day I think it was she fainted in the bathroom at 3 am. I believe it was due to the fact that the plate in her head was put in incorrectly. Anyhow, since then everything has been a nightmare. Shes undergoing wicked mood swings, her epilepsy is worse she has tremindious trouble talking and remembering things. They put a new plate in her head, but the epilepsy remained. She underwent new tests and discovered that the epilepsy has now spread to different parts of the brain and there is now only a 20% chance of success and the possibality of complications outweigh the odds of going in for new surgery. My question for you people is this, the surgen says that surgery went perfictly and that he can not understand why she is still suffering from epilepsy. I met the surgen and I must say that he is a real surgen, he loves his paticents and he gives 110% of himself to them. I think more than anything the fact that he has given so much hope and so much compassion to so many people does not make me focuse on him as the culpriate. I'm looking for what may have gone wrong and I am NOT a doctor or a detective, but I got to find out what happened. I'm from Canada and Lawyers wont even look at the case because the medical profession will spent 50,000 dollars to defend a 5,000 doller calim. It's difficult to beat them, even if you have a 100% legimate claim, like if they leave the scaple in you after surgery, the'll make it look like its your fault, you can't sue City Hall and Money is not what I'm so much concerned about, although it has devistated us financially and in this economy it takes 2 people in a house to survive. The burden is on me. My question is this, for any one who has gone for tests prior to the surgery did they take you off your medicine cold turkey, that is did you just stop all your medicine at once. You see they did that to my wife, she had been on Lorizapian, Topomax and Tegratol as well as an Anti deprecent that she had been taking for years. Could taking her off the medicine cold turkey Especially the Apo-Lorazepam and the Anti Depressent cause false seziars reports and therby the surgen cuts out the wrong part of the brain. That is the only thing that seems to make sence. It has been an exausting terrifying hopeless experience for the family, has made us all extreamly ill and drained us of everything. Final note the surgen has said that only one other woman has had a bad experience like my wife.


Re: Left Temporal Surgery

Submitted by mmgirl410 on Sat, 2006-06-17 - 09:34
I have just gone through with a left temporal lobectomy last week. I had the grid put on my brain and was slowly taken off medication (not cold turkey) in order to have a seizure so that they could closely locate where my seizures were starting. Yes, it is possible for seizures to be caused from dropping off your medication too quickly. I had many tests done before the operation to decide if I was a surgical candidate. This included an EEG which lasted for 2 weeks in the hospital as well as MRI's and a grid implanted on the left side of my brain for better pinpointing. So far, after surgery, everything has been well. Monika

Re: Left Temporal Surgery

Submitted by Patk on Wed, 2007-01-03 - 11:53
Just saw this post. I had the surgery (rite side) in 2003. I was told at that time that there was a 60% chance of success, while I did not like the odds, the thought of aking 22 pills a day for the rest of my life was less appealing. I had had mostly Partial Complex (with a few drop and petit mal in between). I did not get a plate put in my head, and now have these "dents and bumps" all over the place and what feels like little pieces of glass around those dents. What I was not prepared for was a change in seizure type. Since the surgery, I had periods of slurring, stuttering, the shakes and eventually strong jerks which have developed into what i am told "looks like" severe partial and/or tonic clonic. I have also since been told that because I had had a diagnosis of seizures, I would likely be on meds for the rest of my life, even if the seizures had not come back

Re: Left Temporal Surgery

Submitted by Tjtoday on Sat, 2007-02-17 - 21:12
How is your wife and family doing today? I went through this surgery, and they slowly took me off meds. My brother went through this surgery and they was slowly taking him off, but he was not cured, they kept him on medicines. We had two different doctors, he was to have the same except he was forced to retire. We chanced new doctor and he came back worse than when he went in. I think we ought to do homework on who is doing us, an how their results turn out before going forward. Then them doctors that did incorrect, ran no where to be found.

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