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Memory Problems with surgery?

Fri, 11/07/2008 - 09:44
Hi everyone!..I just had a question...I am having left temporal lobectomy on 12/18, what kind of side effects and memory problems have you, or anyone you know, had with this surgery?...My dad is really concerned that I am going to get amnesia and forget him...I have tried to put his mind to ease by saying that it isn't possible, but he isn't convinced...I have also heard of people have emotional disturbances with this surgery...Needless to say, I am scared to death, so any input would be greatly appreciated!


Re: Memory Problems with surgery?

Submitted by forward on Sun, 2008-12-07 - 11:15

Hi Trisper,

If you can ask to meet people he has already done surgery on to communicate with, an ask how many came out controlled, how many are not?. Interview his experience,(watch his communication if it is confident or not does he/she look you in the eys as they speak) I was epileptic had the surgery came out extremely well., but my brother and another person I know did an theirs did not... different doctors than mine. My doctor scheduled my brother next after me, but he was forced by the hospital to retire it was in his contract as soon as he turns 70, can nomore perform surgery.  Check the doctor history how many hospitals has he worked at, if many beware he has been let go possibly for reasons we as public they cannot tell.  Hope I do not discourage you, because I highly believe there is a cure through surgery because I am an example, off medication too....


Love to all,


Hi Trisper,

If you can ask to meet people he has already done surgery on to communicate with, an ask how many came out controlled, how many are not?. Interview his experience,(watch his communication if it is confident or not does he/she look you in the eys as they speak) I was epileptic had the surgery came out extremely well., but my brother and another person I know did an theirs did not... different doctors than mine. My doctor scheduled my brother next after me, but he was forced by the hospital to retire it was in his contract as soon as he turns 70, can nomore perform surgery.  Check the doctor history how many hospitals has he worked at, if many beware he has been let go possibly for reasons we as public they cannot tell.  Hope I do not discourage you, because I highly believe there is a cure through surgery because I am an example, off medication too....


Love to all,


Re: Memory Problems with surgery?

Submitted by forward on Sun, 2008-12-07 - 11:21

Hello Trisper,

To answer a question, after my surgery I feel my memory improved extemely, being off medication, had alot to that change too. 

Love to all,




Hello Trisper,

To answer a question, after my surgery I feel my memory improved extemely, being off medication, had alot to that change too. 

Love to all,




Re: Memory Problems with surgery?

Submitted by unique781996 on Tue, 2008-12-23 - 17:34
i had the same exact same surgery 8yrs ago. it made a big a difference for me. it helped in one way but effected me in another way. it decreased my seizures but my memory (oh my gosh) is rediculous. before surgery i was able to remember stuff from when i was 2yrs old (i'm 30yrs old) but after surgery i have a problem with remembering what happened/what was said 5 minutes ago.

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