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pain issues after surgery

Fri, 01/12/2007 - 23:11
Anybody have any info on how they dealt with the pain issues from the jaw and the incision pressure? All in all it could be worse but I have to admit I am hurting. The depression is also setting in a bit and my doctors have not had a lot of info for me regarding what sort of reasonable expectations I should have for myself. I mean of course it was only a week ago and I know not to go run a marathon, but can I exercise? What should I avoid? I'm a dance teacher and the complete inactivity is getting to me. For me inactivity breeds mania. Anyone out there relate? Maybe when I get more of the meds out of my system I'll feel a bit better but right now it's pretty rough. I'm pleased, they did what they set out to do, and they saw the seizure focus very clearly and got what they wanted but it is just harder to bounce back than I thought. Also the big dent in head isn't too pretty but it will get better. It's mostly the jaw and cheek and eye socket that are really bothering me. I got the staples out today and oh boy was that nice!


Re: Re: Re: pain issues after surgery

Submitted by mommy2kyra on Wed, 2007-02-28 - 15:26
Hi Mary, It took a while for the swelling to go down. Are you sleeping on your right side at all (or avoiding it completely)? I avoided my left for a what seemed to be a l-o-n-g time after surgery, a few months. I was 6 weeks late on my period, which is *highly* unusual for me. I assumed it was because I'd lost so much weight. (I was down to 95 lbs, normal is 115-120 for me) Have you lost a lot of weight as well? Give yourself some time to let your body adjust, Mary. It can take what seems to be ages, I know. ((hugs)) to you honey, take care!! Heather *refractory seizure surgery on left temporal lobe 03/06*

Hi Mary :) Know I'm thinking

Submitted by solis on Wed, 2007-02-28 - 16:32
Hi Mary :) Know I'm thinking of you and wishing you the very best. I was oblivious to any pain or swelling as I was on Demerol (a great pain killer) for 3 weeks after surgery. ~sol Heather, your year since surgery will be soon. Congrats!

Re: Re: Re: pain issues after surgery

Submitted by dinger57 on Mon, 2007-03-05 - 00:16
I also had swelling on the side that I had my surgery. I looked like something from outer space. It took me about five weeks before my swelling was down. Sorry I can't help you with the other issure. lol

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