Community Forum Archive

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Post surgery question

Thu, 10/12/2017 - 22:43
Hi all! Quick back ground I was diagnosed in 2008 complex partials with a grandmal tendency. I had my rphone gut hippocampus removed in sept of 2010 and have been seizure free! The last couple of months I have had weird seizure like feelings and requested a eeg . My eeg came back neg for seizures but shows some slowing on right side where surgery was dr said we will discuss options at appt next week. Any thoughts on what to expect?


Slowing shows on my EEG where

Submitted by Believer_59cd4d81a99cf on Mon, 2018-03-12 - 23:40
Slowing shows on my EEG where my surgery was and dr says it likely always will. As long as no "spikes" show they say no szs.

Could be anything man.  I

Submitted by RacerX35 on Fri, 2018-04-13 - 16:07
Could be anything man.  I have been having auras for the past 8 years post surgery and I am now looking to be going back in for more surgery.  First was my right front temporal lobe resection and most of my right Hippocampus.  Now they think that it may have "moved" more towards the rear and will have to do another resection.  When I went in for my VEEG in January, I lit up like a Christmas tree within the day they took me off my meds.  I didn't realize how dependent my brain had become on the medications!  Scary.Later,Racer

Cindy -- I had RTL resection

Submitted by jkghjkkkgg on Mon, 2018-05-07 - 21:37
Cindy -- I had RTL resection 10/31/2017 and no seizures as of 5/7/2018, and feel like my epilepsy is gone, which seems impossible to confirm. Meeting w neuro in late June.  Meanwhile, never been this depressed in my life because still not driving, and wife cannot drive, so we have to do UBER and taxi almost everywhere. -- John

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