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Right Temporal Lobetom candidate?

Tue, 02/21/2006 - 14:54
Hi, I have been diagnosed with Right temporal lobe epilepsy. Up until now the seizures were all nocturnal and weren't a huge deal because they always happened during my sleep, weren't terribly frequent and I never had auras. However, now I have auras that turn into partial seizures and I actually had a breakthrough seizure while I was driving with my two kids in the car. Thankfully we are ok but the big problem is that I am allergic to nearly all the seizure meds and the ones I am using now don't seem to be effective. Seem to be running out of options! I am on Felbatol which causes me to sleep on average maybe only 3 or 4 hours a night which is enough to make anyone bonkers. And the Keppra they just added has caused such anxiety and mood swings that I am ready to just pitch it. I guess the big question is, since I don't have Grand Mals frequently, and the medication CAN control the seizures although with many side effects would surgery be my best option? I could go back and re-try all the meds I couldn't tolerate before but that would mean no driving and it might put my kids at risk to be home aloe with me if I have a reaction. Not to mention that I would have to give up working while I do all this. My EEG showed very clearly where the seizures are coming from, the MRI showed very little though. So I amjust at a loss. Don't know how to proceed. An6y advice would be so welcome!


Re: Re: Re: Hi .. 1)I'd suggest you

Submitted by pinkangel_82 on Wed, 2006-02-22 - 13:44
Hi Solis I hope everything is still going well for you. I would be very grateful if you would also be able to post me the subject on surgery. Take care Teri

Here's the site I found the

Submitted by solis on Wed, 2006-02-22 - 15:52
Here's the site I found the most useful. (I'm in Canada) The page that 'normalized' the after operation info was given to me by the hospital. As I had epilepsy as a young child, language comprehension is on both sides of my brain making it sensible that my linguistic ability would improve over time. take care Pamela

Re: Re: Re: Hi .. 1)I'd suggest you

Submitted by maryhenley on Wed, 2006-02-22 - 22:18
Well I am a bit worried about it because I am on the last medication that is available to me and if it can't continue to control the seizures than my options are not much. Also, my job requires alot of physicality and memory too. I am a ballet teacher/ dancer so memory and loss of physical control are big issues for me. Ultimately my family comes first of course and if I have to have surgery so that I can function as part of a family unit and give up dancing, I will. But teaching and dancing are big parts of my life and they also act as coping mechanisms for the side effects of the medication. I can lose myself in a class and forget about the anxiety while when I am at home by myself with the kids and no means of transportation I sometimes let things get blown out of proportion. Who wouldn't of course! But the info you have passed along about life post op is so helpful and very interesting too. Are you seiure free so far? I hope so and I hope you continue to progress well. Best of luck to you in your continued recovery and thank you for responding. Mary

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