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Mon, 03/10/2008 - 09:18
Abby is being scheduled to have her tonsils out the end of this month and I am really getting nervous about it. I worry that she might have a seizure during the procedure,and i know her vns isnt in the way but worries me anyway.  i'm going to insist they keep her overnight at least. anybody else had surgery of any kind?


Re: tonsilectomy

Submitted by mommy2kyra on Mon, 2008-04-14 - 15:26

I agree w/ the poster above, Krystal. I have had a few surgeries. The sz's never hit during the surgery itself, they hit during recovery. Like, that first night or so. It has happened to me 3 times now. Just be sure to share your daughters' medical condition- what meds she takes, types of sz's, and how well-controlled they are. That way, if something does happen everyone will be prepared.

 Best of luck and hugs to you both!


*refractory seizure surgery on left temporal lobe 03/06*

I agree w/ the poster above, Krystal. I have had a few surgeries. The sz's never hit during the surgery itself, they hit during recovery. Like, that first night or so. It has happened to me 3 times now. Just be sure to share your daughters' medical condition- what meds she takes, types of sz's, and how well-controlled they are. That way, if something does happen everyone will be prepared.

 Best of luck and hugs to you both!


*refractory seizure surgery on left temporal lobe 03/06*

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