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vns implant

Sun, 09/10/2006 - 14:42
ok, here's the deal, and i'm super freaked out about it so i hope at least one other person has experience with this so i will feel better. For 15 months now i've had the VNS implant, so far everything has been great (even got off one of my meds completely!) so last week I start to notice that i can feel the lead in my neck. now you can actually see the lead sticking out. So i went to my nuerologist and they took xrays and are sending them to texas (for cyberonics to look at them). Anyway until we get those results i feel tightness and the choking feeling all over again. Also i asked the technician who took the xrays to let me see them and it look like most of the cord was in the neck, i thought the "excess" cord was suppose to be in your neck?! has anyone else had this experience? they said possibly that the "grounds" holding the lead in place may have broken or something along those lines...any comments would be appriciated, i don't find out for 2 weeks unless it's bad news :(


If the wire is actually

Submitted by kwgreulich on Fri, 2006-12-08 - 17:46
If the wire is actually disconnected or broken you should be able to test that with the magnet they give you. Pass it over the place where the VNS is in your chest and you should be able to feel the device fire. I was actually told to try that on a daily basis to make sure things are stilll working. I made a habit of doing it right after shaving and washing up each morning when i put the magnet back on my wrist. So far i have not had a problem with it that way. My device has only been in since August. So far my seizures have been significantly reduced. I hope the same is true for you. Karl W. Greulich

Re: vns implant

Submitted by Barb_740 on Sun, 2007-09-23 - 23:30
I go meet my neuro surgeon Wed. the 26th to discuss this procedure.My seizures are horrible they have literally taken my life from me. And when i have the wonderful real bad ones about every three weeks i usually have 5 to 8 and i feel like i have been hit by a train.I am scared to death about this vns and i would love for people to talk to me about it.Please get ahold of me I want to make sure Im doing the right thing.I am scared to hope that is something I haven't been able to do for along time. GOOD BLESS.

Re: vns implant

Submitted by no alleykat on Fri, 2008-03-28 - 14:07

Hello, I can understand your fears. I have had 2 put in. I wore out the first one out and I am now on my second one. I have had great results from mine.  If you want to hear more from me just let me know. God bless you  Kat

Hello, I can understand your fears. I have had 2 put in. I wore out the first one out and I am now on my second one. I have had great results from mine.  If you want to hear more from me just let me know. God bless you  Kat

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