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Absence Seizures (Generalised)

Sun, 08/27/2006 - 21:37
Hi, I'd like to know if anyone suffers from Absence Seizures (Generalised) e.g. Petit Mal and Grand Mal, either from early childhood through to adulthood and whether you have found success or seizure control with any one drug or drugs in combination, prescribed. Also would be interested to know of anyone who has Petit Mal seizures more than the Grand Mal seizures or vice versa. Thank you and I look forward to a response.



Submitted by Anonymous on Sun, 2014-03-23 - 16:55
Hello, My son is five years old and diagnosed five months ago with petit mal absence siezures. Ihave found comfort in nuero telling me this is a childhood illness and will grow out of it. But now reading all of your experiences im back to the sadness. He started out with about 10-20 and hour and was put on Ethosuximide 250mg which gave him the most terrifying side affects. To watch my baby be so scared of the world, nightmares, finding him crying in front of the door screaming for mommy to lock them all in the middle of the night and even the violent anger it caused. I quickly put an end to that medication. He was switched to Topamax 50mg a day and it worked wonders in the beginning other than the fact he seemed dazed at times but as a young single mom of two having my out of control child calm for a few min was kind of nice. It didnt last long siezures came back and they keep raising his dose he is now at 150mg a day and siezures are still happening but only a few a day. My son will be starting kindergarten this year and i am so nervous. Will he have a regular child hood, do what other kids can at recess, will he be made fun of, will he grow out of them. It breaks my heart to see him go through this but im also thankful as it could be worse. What are chance of not growing out of this or turning into grand mal with convulsions. Wish i knew where to turn for more help,advice and support. Jessica

Re: Absence Seizures (Generalised)

Submitted by HollyInnes on Tue, 2010-08-31 - 15:09


 I've had Absence seizues since I was four years old.  I've been on many combinations of drugs throughout my life.  I'm now 33 years old. 

During my teen years I found the combination of drugs I was on caused major weight gain.  My doctor changed a few of my meds and finally the weight started to come off and the seizures actually improved from over 100 a day to less than 50. 

Although I have never been controlled and have always had several seizures a day...I have always lived a normal life.  I have a good job, lots of friends...etc.  I have just found some things a little being so tired and feeling like I need extra sleep to function.  Having to rely on people to get around.  I'm very independent and sometimes don't like asking even my husband to take me places. 

I'm currently on Keppra 500mg morning and night.  Topamax 50mg at night.  Epival 250mg morning.

My seizures are the best they have ever been...that is 10 to 50 a day.  They last 5 to 10 seconds.  Stare and hum or smack my lips...pick at my clothing. 




 I've had Absence seizues since I was four years old.  I've been on many combinations of drugs throughout my life.  I'm now 33 years old. 

During my teen years I found the combination of drugs I was on caused major weight gain.  My doctor changed a few of my meds and finally the weight started to come off and the seizures actually improved from over 100 a day to less than 50. 

Although I have never been controlled and have always had several seizures a day...I have always lived a normal life.  I have a good job, lots of friends...etc.  I have just found some things a little being so tired and feeling like I need extra sleep to function.  Having to rely on people to get around.  I'm very independent and sometimes don't like asking even my husband to take me places. 

I'm currently on Keppra 500mg morning and night.  Topamax 50mg at night.  Epival 250mg morning.

My seizures are the best they have ever been...that is 10 to 50 a day.  They last 5 to 10 seconds.  Stare and hum or smack my lips...pick at my clothing. 



Re: Absence Seizures (Generalised)

Submitted by princessv on Sat, 2008-12-06 - 17:54
I started having Petit Mal Seizures when I was around 5 years old I didn't have my 1st Gran Mal until I was 17. I had the VNS implant in 2005 because my Seizures were so out of control.It has helped my Seizures a lot but I still have a lot of Petit Mal Seizures which I take Klonapin for.

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