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Absence Seizures (Generalised)

Sun, 08/27/2006 - 21:37
Hi, I'd like to know if anyone suffers from Absence Seizures (Generalised) e.g. Petit Mal and Grand Mal, either from early childhood through to adulthood and whether you have found success or seizure control with any one drug or drugs in combination, prescribed. Also would be interested to know of anyone who has Petit Mal seizures more than the Grand Mal seizures or vice versa. Thank you and I look forward to a response.


At 15 I was diagnosed with

Submitted by moggiemomma on Wed, 2006-11-22 - 21:53
At 15 I was diagnosed with nocturnal grand mals. At 19, after a failed suicide attempt, I was diagnosed further with absences, (that I probably had since a tot). This past Friday I had my first day-time grand mals - one while scanning at the supermarket, and another while in the ER. I have been on - Tegratol, Epilim, Dilantin, Depakote, Topamax, Lamictal, (and my partner also says Keppra, although my memory fails me on that one), and now am on Lamictal and Klonopin(sp?). Nothing has ever covered my absences. Missing a Klonopin dose is what caused my recent grand mals - and all the other drugs give me hideous side effects, (depression, weight gain, bleeding gums, etc.) Would be happy to chat more about this - hope I can get this sorted out with my Neuro - and wish the same for everyone else!

Re: Absence Seizures (Generalised)

Submitted by GodivaGirl on Sat, 2006-09-09 - 08:25
Hi, I was diagnosed at age 5. Absence seizures only back then. Then on zarontin & phenobarb as a kid. They thought I outgrew things, so I was off meds at age 12. Age 16 basically a wicked virus lead to my first major seizure (probably grand mal). I rarely have those - maybe one a year. Now, I'm 32. Tegretol CR worked well for me from age 16-26. In addition, thrown into the mix was clobazam at age 22 and for a bit Valproic Acid and Lamictal. Back then though, I kept going back to the combo of Tegretol CR and Clobazam. I was about 27 when that changed to Topomax / Clobazam. Now at 32 I've added in Keppra - so it's Topomax/Keppra/Clobazam. I think Topomax is going away though. The one constant (to control stress) has always been clobazam. More than that a stress mangement counsellor has done great things at different times in my life. So has learning that my life needs to be really routine and discovering what maybe causes the seizures - i.e. lack of sleep, hormonal shifts, too much sugar, touching aspartame at all (even gum), weather changes that are drastic. Triggers and med combinations are different for all, but I hope this helps. Erin

Re: Absence Seizures (Generalised)

Submitted by faerietygers on Tue, 2006-09-12 - 20:53
I have suffered with absence seizures since early childhood to adulthood. I have found success with Depakote. I have had one grand mal seizure after being seizure free for six years, but since that time, I have been seizure free for three years. I hope that helps ;)

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