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fat :(

Thu, 09/14/2006 - 08:11
Do your meds make you gain weight? What do you do to lose the medication weight? :( I feel fat and ugly. Nothing fits me.


Re: Re: Hey, I'm in ontario, too.

Submitted by fzMousie on Thu, 2006-09-14 - 14:53
Hamilton. And I have a membership at Phoenix Fitness. That plus the belly dancing should hopefully help me in keeping my weight under control. So long as I don't gain any MORE weight, I think I can convince myself I'm okay. Right now, I'm 5'5" and 150lbs. Not really big, I know, but I'm used to 125lbs and I'm getting sick of looking perpetually pregnant. I am apple-shaped. I carry all my weight in my belly. You know, I am somewhat relieved to know that keppra causes weight gain in other people as well, because I've been really blaming myself for my weight gain even though I haven't done anything different. In the new year I may give up my phoenix membership and go back to Curves. I haven't decided yet.

Re: Re: Re: Hey, I'm in ontario, too.

Submitted by faerietygers on Mon, 2006-09-18 - 17:49
sorry to butt in:) I gained 20 lbs when I went off depakote and back on....I also do belly dancing and yoga, etc. Unfortunately I haven't been able to lose the weight I put on from the meds, but I have been able to maintain. I feel your pain. i have been feeling like a heffer lately too. My poor boyfriend :) and I am only 4'10, so when I gain you can reallllly tell.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Hey, I'm in ontario, too.

Submitted by fzMousie on Thu, 2006-10-12 - 08:38
The belly dancing is fun. :) I went for my fitness assessment at the gym yesterday. I have gained 11 pounds since the end of June. My body fat percentage has gone up 1%. That means of that 11 pounds, only about 2 of it has been fat. The interesting thing is that my BELLY has increased 5" (no, I am *not* pregnant) in 6 months. The fitness instructor believes I am retaining a lot of water. Appointment tomorrow. Next thing to talk to dr. about: Do AEDs make you retain water? ;)

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