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If I have children will they be okay? Tooo much medicane? Is this NORMAL!?!?!? I'm so tired of this! Somone help!

Fri, 10/13/2006 - 03:27
I posted this before, but here I go againnnn... My docter put me on tegretol, depakote, and he just put me on keppra because he said I wasn't taking enough medicane. Isn't that a lot? I am soon getting engaged and I am worried because I do want to have children soon. And I do know that I can not take depakote or keppra if I am pregnant. I have been on tegretol since I was diagnosed with seizures which was when I was 9, and started taking depakote at 11. I am 19 and I just started keppra and I was wondering if this helps. I really need answers. Is it fine if I keep switching medicanes? Because I don't want to take depakote or keppra anymore. What other medicane can I take to replace there? But anyways, someone please get back to me if you know answers...thanks. My seizures have increased a little, but I still don't see why my nuerologist would put me on all these medications. I am really scared that If I don't take them I'll have more seizures. I asked him if he could take me off both of them and give me a medicane that I would be able to take when I decide on becoming pregnant, but he said he didn't want to switch them, or atleast not yet. I am really scared that this can harm my children. I really don't know what to do. The seizures that I am having are in the morning which are usually 5 seconds long and I do remember them. I usually only have them when I sleep in longer than I should. Right now... I am taking............................ Morning: Keppra 500mg Depakote 500mg Tegretol 400mg Afternoon: Tegretol 400mg Night: Keppra 500mg Tegretol 400mg ................................ IS THIS A LOT? I have tooken depakote and tegretol for many years now. Never really had problems with them till now. Or atleast not with tegretol. I don't feel that depakote is helping me much, but I'm not a nuero/epi. I went to my docter the day I was having seizures. I was having them NONSTOP. I don't even know what kind I was having...I mean, I DO know, but I haven't read or heard about these kind of seizures anywhere, or maybe I have in a WAY. I had them from 8:00AM to 11:00AM nonstop. Every minute I would have a seizure that usually lasted 5-8 seconds. So I had more than 20 seizures. Sometimes I would get 5 minute breaks, but then I would get one again. I know everything that is going on, I remember everything. I can talk during my minute (or 5 minute) breaks to whoever is around me, walk, run, do whatever, but there goes another seizure 5 minutes later. (complex seizure) I told my nuero this, so I guess this is why he increased my medicane, maybe? I am not deciding to become pregnant NOW, but maybe 1/2 a year I will decide to. Though I am still scared. I don't know want to do. I am so stressed out, and so worried. I need answers! Anyways, what do you think? -Lover_A


Re: If I have children will they be okay? Tooo much medicane? Is

Submitted by angel_lts on Fri, 2006-10-13 - 14:33
Hi I have been on all these meds. The seizure you are having is an aura or simple partial. It is possible that you are low on sodium. Tegretal can cause low sodium, not many people know that. I was on it also from nine years old for about 23 years. I had my children on that drug. In the end we realized I was having low sodium and causing me seizures. ALso have a dexascan done because of the depakote. take care Lisa

Hi L, I've also had E a very

Submitted by solis on Fri, 2006-10-13 - 17:08
Hi L, I've also had E a very long time (since was three) & have been on all those drugs. From: "Some medicines can cause Tegretol to build up in the blood. Having too much Tegretol in the blood makes people feel dizzy, unsteady, or sleepy. Some of the medicines and other things that may have this effect include: #1 ->Depakote and other valproate medicines" I've never been on 3 different AEDs together in my life... I have only ever taken two types per day. The reason is that if there is a problem, it is much easier to find if only two meds are involved. I'd suggest you see am epileptologist as opposed to a general neurologist as that way you can get this taken care of asap. As far as babies go.. I had 2 while on AEDs and neither had any problems. Re Tegretol: Here is some info you should also know: "Four of the older drugs, namely carbamazepine (= Tegretol), phenytoin, phenobarbital and mysoline, all have an effect on how the liver does its job. The liver is the site where many substances are cleared from the body. This includes hormones, such as estrogen and testosterone, vitamins, such as vitamins D and K, as well as medications that may be prescribed for other medical conditions. These older drugs increase the speed at which all these compounds are cleared from the body. This may have consequences, including alteration in sexual function and increased likelihood of thinning of the bones (osteoporosis). " A couple of years ago, I discovered I had osteoporosis & I have been on the first three drugs in that list for a very long time (Tegretol alone for over 20 years). So if you stay on it (I'm on it) ask your Dr what dosage of Calcium and vitamin D to recommend. Btw.. here is some info on Simple Partials: Aura is just the word appiled to Simple Partials if/when they exist immediately before a Complex Partial or a Generalized Seizure. hope that helps, ~sol

Re: Hi L, I've also had E a very

Submitted by lover_a on Mon, 2006-10-16 - 02:10
thank you so much for all the info... i greatly appreciate it.

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