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Question to all seizure patients

Tue, 10/10/2006 - 05:56
Ok something happened to me today at work. The strangest thing. I've mentioned many times that I'm on the new med Topamax so am not sure if this is the cause for it or not. So, here goes...I was sitting at the table giving my student his exam when suddenly I felt this sort of feeling as if "I'm there, but not there" kind of feeling. Does anyone know what I mean by that? It's like everything is going in slow motion like a movie or something. I got this funny feeling in my stomache. Then, sometime later everything is back to normal again and I start to wonder what just happened. I felt so lost and confused. I couldn't remember what it was I was doing again. Had a hard time focusing. And I had this cold tingly numbness feeling shooting from my hands to my elbows. I was also feeling so "floaty". Is that even a word? Needless to say, my co-worker took over for me 'coz I told her that I'm not feeling well suddenly. Needed to rest for a bit. She knows what that means. I don't think my student even realized anything was wrong, but I, myself, knows that something happened. It bugs the heck out of me 'coz I can't remember the missing minutes I lost out on. I hate not remembering. Don't u? Has anyone experienced this before? I'd like to know.


Re: This is a deleted

Submitted by cntrygrl on Mon, 2007-01-22 - 17:41
I have complex partial seizure disorder for 15yrs now, I have had those feelings many times when I was on Depakote,did not like it at all. My new doctor said they were called auras,were you feel very strange inside and also a warning a seizure could be trying to happen whether a petimal or a grandmal,making me feel confused,dizzy,loss of concentration,wondering afterword whats going on. I got a new doctor and he took me off depakote and put me on Keppra and havnt had those feelings since,tell your doctor about these feelings. I felt mine were a side effect of Depakote that went on for years until I changed medicine. Those feelings would give me terrible headaches,spinning feelings,make me feel drained hated those more than the seizures they would scare me,my family when around would tell me they were talking to me and a would go into a daze not comprehending them at all. I had to get a new doctor that really listened to my feelings to realize I needed to change medicine.

Re: Question to all seizure patients

Submitted by Tabby on Thu, 2007-02-01 - 16:59
I get those all the time ! The drive me nuts! On another note, has any of you had problems with your taste buds on Topamax? I had an addiction with diet coke, and ever since i've been on it, any soda taste absolutely repulsive! Just what I needed, I feel like im in a twilight zone, with no outside influences, and I can't even enjoy a coke :)

Re: Re: Question to all seizure patients

Submitted by heathersmithers on Thu, 2007-02-01 - 22:18
Switch to ginger ale....grin.. i was the same ,,,addicted to diet coke,,,sigh,,, only took one day on topamax to cure me of that....gingerale seems to be the only pop i can drink now.... Heather

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