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Question to all seizure patients

Tue, 10/10/2006 - 05:56
Ok something happened to me today at work. The strangest thing. I've mentioned many times that I'm on the new med Topamax so am not sure if this is the cause for it or not. So, here goes...I was sitting at the table giving my student his exam when suddenly I felt this sort of feeling as if "I'm there, but not there" kind of feeling. Does anyone know what I mean by that? It's like everything is going in slow motion like a movie or something. I got this funny feeling in my stomache. Then, sometime later everything is back to normal again and I start to wonder what just happened. I felt so lost and confused. I couldn't remember what it was I was doing again. Had a hard time focusing. And I had this cold tingly numbness feeling shooting from my hands to my elbows. I was also feeling so "floaty". Is that even a word? Needless to say, my co-worker took over for me 'coz I told her that I'm not feeling well suddenly. Needed to rest for a bit. She knows what that means. I don't think my student even realized anything was wrong, but I, myself, knows that something happened. It bugs the heck out of me 'coz I can't remember the missing minutes I lost out on. I hate not remembering. Don't u? Has anyone experienced this before? I'd like to know.


Re: Question to all seizure patients

Submitted by sdfreeh on Sun, 2007-02-18 - 22:53
Hi, I know exactly what you mean by being there but not there. Everything does go in slow motion and for me it seems like lights are going dim. I also get this metallic taste in my mouth and then usually I have a seizure and don't know what had happened. I just want to close my eyes and rest after I realize what happened. I don't remember having a sick feeling in my stomach but I am told that I usually make the comment that I was feeling sick and that I may throw up. I hate the fact that I can't remember everything right before, during and after a seizure. I am not on topamax, so I doubt if that reaction was caused by the medication, but I do get those feeling.

Re: Re: Question to all seizure patients

Submitted by seizuregirl on Sun, 2007-02-18 - 23:17
Hey there :-) I'm on a new med now called Phenobarbitol. Hope I spelled that right. I got out of Topamax 'coz it was giving me side effects of emotional outbursts. So, imagine this...I got out of one bad drug only to find myself in the same position again with this other drug. It seems whatever drug I take they often seem to have the side effects of depression and make me go totally emotional. It's like being on PMS all the time. So, I saw my neuro again and gave him an update. First, my seizures are coming back to haunt me so he upped the dose to 3 times a day after putting me on 2 times a day for a while. I was going on 3 in the beginning, but the side effect of rashes were bothering me so he put me on 2. After a while on 2....the seizures started to errupt again, but the rashes went away. So, back on 3, but this time the depression side effect started to come out. It's a headache...I tell you. Sooooooooo....he added an anti-depressant. Anyone been on anti-depressant? How's it like for those that take it. I want to know. I took my first dose last night. I was so tired this morning.....dunno if that's the side effect of the anti-depressant. Seizuregirl "Life is what you make of it"

Re: Re: Re: Question to all seizure patients

Submitted by solis on Mon, 2007-02-19 - 00:18
Hi again.. re: I'm on a new med now called Phenobarbitol Created in 1912, phenobarbital is the oldest epilepsy medicine still in use today. Here is some info: As Phenobarbital is from the first group of E medicines, it is also known to cause osteoporosis, so be sure to take Calcium and vitamin D when on phenobarbital. Best wishes, ~sol

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