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Believe...Miracles do happen... the power of believing

Fri, 06/17/2005 - 20:56
Thank you Maggie. I wanted to say exactly what you said, but I didn't want to rock any boats. Belinda, for what ever reason finds my posts and replies very negatively all the time. Epilepsy is a very hard disorder to live with. There are many different types of seizures, everyone takes different amount of seizures daily, monthly, and yearly. Depending on the case and the person everone hanles their disorder differently. Our bodies and emotions are like rollacossters, not knowing what the next day day will bring. We cannot change the past, we do not know what is going to happen tommorrow. Will we have a seizure? Will my body feel run down. I do not now, but I am not going to focus on what might happen. I am going to focus on now. I am not going to let my disorder take control of me. I cannot control my seizures, but I can control the way I feel. I can accomplish my dreams and acheive my goals.I have been through a lot in life. I was not always this positive. This is something that takes time, and hard work.I started off with big dreams of becoming a big exec in new york. Being another Donald Trump! I got a job with a big TV network in NY. It was a lot of hard work and it was not as glorifed as I pictured. I had 9 seizures in 1 day. During one of the seizures I fell in the main hall (grand mal) 2 Produces walked by. they didn't even help me. half hour later I was fired!That same week I was crossing the street in the city. I fell and had a seizure in the middle of the street. The light turned green. If you're familar with NY you'll know that cars don't wait for no one especially taxi's!It just happened that 2 cops were on the corner and saw me fall and 1 dove in the middle of the street to help me and the other directed taffic around me. God knows what could of happed if those cops weren't there.I had many things happen, just like everyone else and I'm sure we all have our stories to tell, many far worse than those.What I am trying to say(message) we are not going to have a perfect life. and things are not going to turn out the exact way we plan, but we cannot let that stop us from loving ourselves, reaching our goals and enjoying life to its fullest.And if you have not reached this point, in which you think like this then get up from out of you seat and start looking to find the answers so you can make you dreams come true...I write now and I have a website where I write a lot of articles and stories, poetry ect.. to help people including my self.May peace be with didn't give up. I began to work on myself


RE: Believe...Miracles do happen... the power of believing

Submitted by ButterflyGrl on Sat, 2005-07-16 - 12:22
I've just been recently diagnosed with SUBEPENDYMAL HETEROTOPIA. A congential condition primarily found in women that has now caused me to have seizures. I had my first grand-mal almost 3 weeks ago now.I just got a letter in the mail yesterday saying my licence has been suspended. I haven't been able to stop crying. I've been crying on and off since yesterday.Yes, I feel like my independence has been taken away from me due to something I can't control. I know it's not the end of the world, but sucks to have something taken away from you that you really enjoy. This whole experience has brought on much anxiety as of "When will it happen again, or will it?" I am not on any medication as of yet, I am still pending the EEG results, which I hope to get this coming week.I thank my lucky stars for what I DO have, and I keep telling will get better. Then I sometimes slip back into the depressed, crying mode. I know it will take some time, but when I know I am not myself, I struggle with it.I am not good at dealing with this. I don't deal well with stress or anxiety. Every twinge, twitch, or dizzy spell I experience, I always think it's an AURA, and then I try to convince myself, that maybe it isn't, and it's just a figment of my imagination. I've been feeling like this EVERY DAY for the last 3 weeks. I feel like I'm gonna drive myself crazy.It's affected the way I get along with my mother. She keeps telling me that "I am making more out of this than it is" by stressing myself out over it. Then I say, "HOW DO ***YOU*** KNOW what I am going through!!!" then I kick myself...I mean, heck....she was the one that found me when I had my first seizure 3 weeks ago. So, from an outside perspective yes. She KIND OF knows. I sure as hell wouldn't've wanted to see what I looked like while I was having my seizure. So, for someone else to see that....yikes.I just feel like I am losing my grip, and I am afraid of what's ahead. Afraid of going on medication because of all the side effects...afraid of developing severe anxiety...just PLAIN AFRAID.I wish I could just get a hold of myself. I am trying. I guess this just takes time.Could really use some encouragement right about now.

RE: RE: Believe...Miracles do happen... the power of believing

Submitted by txrhb1 on Sat, 2005-07-16 - 13:21


How hard this must be for you!  You came to the right place to get the encouragement you need and find people that truly do know how you are feeling and how frightening it can be.  It's hard not to be able to drive, and I can certainly empathize with that.  I was first diagnosed at 19, but never had a seizure, took no meds, anything.  Then at age 47, I had my first seizure.  So for 2 years now, I haven't been able to drive.  It really is a difficult position, but I pray that you will find a way to deal with it.  I have been very lucky to have friends and family that support me quite a bit.

For the first year and a half, I went to a neuro that never really gave me answers.  So like you, every twitch, noise, smell, etc. made me think "OH NO", it's an aura and I'm going to have another seizure.  I finally started seeing a new doctor about 4 months ago who has really helped.  Not only has she been able to answer my questions, but she has helped my psychologically deal with it.  Although there are still days when i feel that I am losing it.

Keep hanging in there, and go ahead and let yourself cry when you need to.  Rest assured that you are not "going crazy", and that there is a medical reason for what you are experiencing.  Hopefully once you get your EEG and they get you on a medication, you will feel better.  The first few weeks of a new medication for me , are the hardest.   Once you adjust, hopefully, for you, the side effects won't be so bad.  I have known many people who have epilepsy and are controlled by meds and live a wonderful, productive life. 

I wish I knew more about your diagnosis, but have never heard of SUBEPENDYMAL HETEROTOPIA before.  I'll read up on it.  anytime you need someone to talk to, you can reach me at [email protected]

Hugs and blessings to you,



How hard this must be for you!  You came to the right place to get the encouragement you need and find people that truly do know how you are feeling and how frightening it can be.  It's hard not to be able to drive, and I can certainly empathize with that.  I was first diagnosed at 19, but never had a seizure, took no meds, anything.  Then at age 47, I had my first seizure.  So for 2 years now, I haven't been able to drive.  It really is a difficult position, but I pray that you will find a way to deal with it.  I have been very lucky to have friends and family that support me quite a bit.

For the first year and a half, I went to a neuro that never really gave me answers.  So like you, every twitch, noise, smell, etc. made me think "OH NO", it's an aura and I'm going to have another seizure.  I finally started seeing a new doctor about 4 months ago who has really helped.  Not only has she been able to answer my questions, but she has helped my psychologically deal with it.  Although there are still days when i feel that I am losing it.

Keep hanging in there, and go ahead and let yourself cry when you need to.  Rest assured that you are not "going crazy", and that there is a medical reason for what you are experiencing.  Hopefully once you get your EEG and they get you on a medication, you will feel better.  The first few weeks of a new medication for me , are the hardest.   Once you adjust, hopefully, for you, the side effects won't be so bad.  I have known many people who have epilepsy and are controlled by meds and live a wonderful, productive life. 

I wish I knew more about your diagnosis, but have never heard of SUBEPENDYMAL HETEROTOPIA before.  I'll read up on it.  anytime you need someone to talk to, you can reach me at [email protected]

Hugs and blessings to you,


RE: RE: Believe...Miracles do happen... the power of believing

Submitted by maggie on Sat, 2005-07-16 - 14:37
Hi ButterflyGirl,  I'm so sorry that it feels like the world is coming down on you.It really isn't.I feel like that alot of times also.We have a tendency to take it out on the people around us.Just think before you say any hurtful things.These are the people that really care and love us.Your mom isn't meaning to hurt you in any way.~she is worried~The only way that helps me is to say,"so what if I have to be on meds.~alot of people take meds.""so what that I can't drive~I will some day""so what if I have another seizure~alot of people have worse ones than I do"Try to stay busy and not think about it all the time.Easier said than done!! Pray..pray and pray some more~it WILL get better.It is not easy to go through what we are going through,and unless you've been there you'll never know what it is like.My mom is deceased but I wish I could talk to her,I miss her.She always made things better.I hope this gave you some encouragement.I'm looking for some myself.

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