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Believe...Miracles do happen... the power of believing

Fri, 06/17/2005 - 20:56
Thank you Maggie. I wanted to say exactly what you said, but I didn't want to rock any boats. Belinda, for what ever reason finds my posts and replies very negatively all the time. Epilepsy is a very hard disorder to live with. There are many different types of seizures, everyone takes different amount of seizures daily, monthly, and yearly. Depending on the case and the person everone hanles their disorder differently. Our bodies and emotions are like rollacossters, not knowing what the next day day will bring. We cannot change the past, we do not know what is going to happen tommorrow. Will we have a seizure? Will my body feel run down. I do not now, but I am not going to focus on what might happen. I am going to focus on now. I am not going to let my disorder take control of me. I cannot control my seizures, but I can control the way I feel. I can accomplish my dreams and acheive my goals.I have been through a lot in life. I was not always this positive. This is something that takes time, and hard work.I started off with big dreams of becoming a big exec in new york. Being another Donald Trump! I got a job with a big TV network in NY. It was a lot of hard work and it was not as glorifed as I pictured. I had 9 seizures in 1 day. During one of the seizures I fell in the main hall (grand mal) 2 Produces walked by. they didn't even help me. half hour later I was fired!That same week I was crossing the street in the city. I fell and had a seizure in the middle of the street. The light turned green. If you're familar with NY you'll know that cars don't wait for no one especially taxi's!It just happened that 2 cops were on the corner and saw me fall and 1 dove in the middle of the street to help me and the other directed taffic around me. God knows what could of happed if those cops weren't there.I had many things happen, just like everyone else and I'm sure we all have our stories to tell, many far worse than those.What I am trying to say(message) we are not going to have a perfect life. and things are not going to turn out the exact way we plan, but we cannot let that stop us from loving ourselves, reaching our goals and enjoying life to its fullest.And if you have not reached this point, in which you think like this then get up from out of you seat and start looking to find the answers so you can make you dreams come true...I write now and I have a website where I write a lot of articles and stories, poetry ect.. to help people including my self.May peace be with didn't give up. I began to work on myself


RE: Believe...Miracles do happen... the power of believing

Submitted by ButterflyGrl on Sat, 2005-07-16 - 16:57
Thank you all so much for your kind words. I know that this is a learning process and eventually it will get better, I just pray it gets easier soon. I can't take anymore of this crying!As for taking meds. I'm not sure about that yet. I am afraid to though! I keep hearing such negative things about taking them in the "beginning" - what kind of side effects are we talking about here? I've heard of excessive weight gain (Oh my!), excessive weight loss, moodiness..etc.etc. These are many reasons why I DON'T want to go on meds. I am afraid it will take away the person who I really am, just to control what I cannot control. Heck, the only meds I've ever really constantly been on for most of my life are BIRTH CONTROL PILLS! They have bad enough side effects! LOLIf someone can shed some light on what to expect that would be great!

RE: RE: Believe...Miracles do happen... the power of believing

Submitted by tibet2 on Sat, 2005-07-16 - 18:49
hi butterfly girl, what to expect when you are taking meds? ideally your seizures would stop and you would have little or no side effects. that's very often the case. side effects are only possibilities. sometimes they are only temporary. most people taking a medication get very good control with minimal side effects. support boards select for a much higher percentage of people who have problems with epilepsy. seizures beget seizures. so you don't want to postpone treatment. i view meds as a tool that enables me to get about my job of living. without them i would not be capable of being a mother and doing all the other things i do. i've been really lucky with meds. the first one i took worked fine and i am only now changing meds because of some side effects as a result of long term use. by long term use i mean almost 3 decades. three decades likely sounds awful to you right now. but from my point of view, 3 decades of being seizure free is a Godsend. i was diagnosed with epilepsy after about a decade of seizures so diagnosis was an incredible relief for me. i remember my first seizure and how upsetting it was. there was before and then there was after. and there's no getting around the fact that seizures can be profoundly disturbing. but the good thing is, with meds you will very likely get to the point where you feel like your old self. hopefully you will be feeling better soon.

RE: RE: RE: Believe...Miracles do happen... the power of believ

Submitted by ButterflyGrl on Sat, 2005-07-16 - 20:43
Thank you all so much for your kind words. I really love this site, and I was a member only days after I experienced my first seizure.I will be intouch with my neurologist tomorrow to get the results of my EEG. I will keep everyone posted!

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