Community Forum Archive

The Epilepsy Community Forums are closed, and the information is archived. The content in this section may not be current or apply to all situations. In addition, forum questions and responses include information and content that has been generated by epilepsy community members. This content is not moderated. The information on these pages should not be substituted for medical advice from a healthcare provider. Experiences with epilepsy can vary greatly on an individual basis. Please contact your doctor or medical team if you have any questions about your situation. For more information, learn about epilepsy or visit our resources section.

Topic: Diagnostic Dilemmas and Testing

Was it epilesy?

04/2015 | 1 Comments

I am 26 years old now. When I was about 11 years old,there were two events that led my diagnosis of epilesy by local doctor (non neurological...
eeg tech did a lot of clicking

04/2015 | 3 Comments

Hello all! Today I had my first eeg I actually managed to stay awake through. I was diagnosed back in 2007 with frontal lobe epilepsy after...
No Solid answers after EEG

03/2015 | 2 Comments

I had a grand mal seizure back at the beginning of January of this year. I finally had a sleep deprived EEG in February. Immeadiately after my...
Latest trip to the ER

03/2015 | 3 Comments

I have had tonic/clinic seizures since I was a teen. A couple weeks ago I went to the ER for my seizures (turns out from hormones I was about to start...
Right hemispheric slowing on EEG

03/2015 | 1 Comments

Hello, My 2 year old autistic son had a seizure 3 days ago. He went unresponsive face down on the floor and I immediately called EMS. He was in...
burning feet

03/2015 | 0 Comments

Hi, My 17 year old daughter has a partial complex seizure disorder and has been on Keppra for 11 years (other meds before that.) In December we raised...
First it is, then it isn't....

03/2015 | 0 Comments

Hi there. I'm having a problem with my neurologist and doctors in general. Here it is. I'm 23 and female. All my life, I've had spells where I stare...

03/2015 | 0 Comments

Some background: I had horrible migraines as a adolescent, and young adult. And off and on in middle age. Now they are surfacing as dizziness...
Could These Have Been Seizures?

02/2015 | 0 Comments

About a month ago I was in the shower, when out of nowhere I felt extremely weak and light headed. Only a couple seconds later I remember vaguely...
Syncope VS Seizure?

02/2015 | 1 Comments

Hi guys! My name is Melissa and I am a 21 year old girl with a pretty uninteresting medical history, that is until recently. About a year and a half...
Confused and Frustrated with EEG Results

02/2015 | 1 Comments

Hi everyone. I'm a 26 year old male with a somewhat insignificant medical history until recently. When I was 19 (2007) I was diagnosed with Panic...
Tics and Myoclonic Seizures (adult)

02/2015 | 0 Comments

So I have deloped tics, vocal ones. They may not be seizure. Wiki says tics are neuropsycholigical in nature, so they may have a a relation to the...

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