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Jasmine oil

Fri, 04/08/2005 - 22:20

My wife has had epilepsy since she was 12 years old both grand and petit mal seizures, she would have petit mal between 2-4 a week and grand mal between 1-2 a year. I read an article by Dr.Tim Betts about aromatherapy and reflexology and I started giving her massages on her  feet and also giving her a B complex 100mg 1 a day with a multi vitamin and she has petit mal now maybe 1 amonth and in 2 and a half years no grand mal. There is a web site for Mr.Betts I'm sure it can be found with a search. Maybe this might work for someone. Also lots of rest and a healthy diet.




RE: RE: RE: I know its illegal, But it works and I have my life

Submitted by ButterflyGrl on Mon, 2005-07-11 - 11:06
I THINK MARIJUANA MAKES IT WORSE FOR ME....I smoked weed as a young 20-something and up to now (28 yrs old), and prior to my seizures, I would have a few puffs every now and then (I used to smoke it more, but started to "grow out of it"Since I had my first grand-mal seizure 2 weeks ago, I've smoked MJ twice. My friend and I were driving to another friends place this past Saturday, and we had smoked half a joint between each other....20 mins after that, I think I experienced what I believe to be a simple partial seizure. My lips went numb, and started "smacking", my heart started to race, and I started to shake. Not convulse, mind you, but I shook terribly for about a minute. Then I was fine....I was totally aware of what was happening.Later on that evening, I had another few drags of a joint (literally like 3 long hauls), just to see what would happen. My bottom lip felt funny. I didn't even enjoy the high it gave me.It seems that since I've had my seizure, my "weed" highs have never felt the same. I am literally petrified that if I smoke it again, I will have another seizure.Is it just me? Or am I just paranoid that weed will bring on a seizure that I am "willing" it to happen? Or is it just not having the proper "anti-seizure" effect on me, that it does on everyone else?I would still consider smoking it if I knew it would help, but as of now, I am afraid to.

RE: I know its illegal, But it works and I have my life back

Submitted by maive on Tue, 2005-07-12 - 11:10
I have been reaing a lot about this subject. I have simple partial siezures and I have been put on topomax and ativan. I hate the drugs. I am not being "weened" off because of the side effects. I couldn't take it. NOt to mention that my seizures didn't stop onthe meds. It made it worse. Alot worse. I went from having rare seizures to two and three a day. I think that if Mj works it is worth using. I have already told my family that if I can' t get relief I will try it. I just can't see the down side to it? I mean, I know it may not work for me, but the meds haven't either.

RE: RE: I know its illegal, But it works and I have my life back

Submitted by ButterflyGrl on Tue, 2005-07-12 - 12:33
This is one of the reasons why I fear being diagnosed with Epilepsy and going on meds. I hear of so many side effects, and how sometimes it doesn't make the problem any better. Excuse my ignorance if any...I know that meds can control it, however I am more worried about the side effects that go with it.I smoked marijuana for 5 years recreationally (not heavily, mind you). Now, I don't even get the same high from it anymore. The last two times I smoked it, I experienced very strange aura's. That was enough to freak me out and never smoke it again.

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