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Jasmine oil

Fri, 04/08/2005 - 22:20

My wife has had epilepsy since she was 12 years old both grand and petit mal seizures, she would have petit mal between 2-4 a week and grand mal between 1-2 a year. I read an article by Dr.Tim Betts about aromatherapy and reflexology and I started giving her massages on her  feet and also giving her a B complex 100mg 1 a day with a multi vitamin and she has petit mal now maybe 1 amonth and in 2 and a half years no grand mal. There is a web site for Mr.Betts I'm sure it can be found with a search. Maybe this might work for someone. Also lots of rest and a healthy diet.




RE: RE: RE: I know its illegal, But it works and I have my life

Submitted by hummingbird on Thu, 2005-07-14 - 15:33
Thankyou! ButterflyGrl for your honestness. Life is to short to be in a dream land. Take care of you!

RE: I know its illegal, But it works and I have my life back

Submitted by hummingbird on Wed, 2005-07-13 - 23:22
Hello there!Heres is my story I was a mj. Smoker up to age 25. What happen at times when I did not eat right which was alot the siezures would come around. I then would be in trouble with life. My father and friends had driven me around town. When I came out of the black outs, asking where am I? Will you been talking all this time or you been having siezures. MJ. also got me eating to much sugar, had cotton mouth, tired where I could'nt deal with life. Every one is different and has gone down simalar past roads. All I can say is be kind and loving to your self. Any kind of drugs is not worth your life is it?

RE: RE: I know its illegal, But it works and I have my life back

Submitted by ButterflyGrl on Thu, 2005-07-14 - 10:36
You are right. It isn't. I have made a conscious decision never to smoke MJ again, and you know something? I'm not even TEMPTED! It helps for some ppl, but brings on aura's for me. The fun is over. Time for me to "grow up"!

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