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Myoclonic Jerks

Wed, 11/23/2005 - 04:28
I have Myoclonic Jerks. I developed them at the age of 43. I"ve been started, very slowly, on 3 different kinds of medications: Trileptal, Klonopin, and Neurontin and the Myoclonic Jerks still are not completely under control. I have times when I experience confusion. I don't know who I am or where I am or what I am doing. It lasts only about 50 seconds and then I'm really spaced out for the rest of the day. These come in clusters. I've not had these since I got settled on the most recent medication: Neurontin. Does anyone else have experience with any of this or the Myoclonic Jerks in particular?


Re: Re: Myoclonic Jerks

Submitted by gretchen1 on Wed, 2005-11-23 - 22:49
When I first got jerks I didn't know what they were. I called my doctor and complained "I'm having involuntary muscle movement". He said - huh. So I posted it and the FORUM said - look up jerks. I called my doctor back and said - think I have jerks? He said - sure, I knew that. Ummmmmm......I don't go to him any more. I tend to get them Barbie when I'm falling asleep, after a SE tonic sz and just because. The ones I hate the most is when my head is thrown back or in my whole torso. I have "equal opportunity jerks". They can be anywhere. Like sometimes just finger flipping. I do wonder if my "twitchies" are a kind of jerk. They told me but I forgot but with those? I get this anxious, feeling of doom feelings too but don't with jerks. I'm so sorry the other poster faces discrimination. I've seen that ugly face. More I've seen the compassionate ones though. Interesting Japan has discriminatory feelings. I've read discrimination is born of fear - Martin Luther King Jr. I believe it. You're in good company Barbie. Gretchen Want to join my club - The Jerkettes? (kind of like The Dreaded Dropper's Club). lol Gretchen

Re: Re: Re: Myoclonic Jerks

Submitted by gretchen1 on Wed, 2005-11-23 - 22:50
(sorry for posting twice. That is my attempt to 'edit" YIKES) Gretchen

Re: Re: Re: Re: Myoclonic Jerks

Submitted by spiz on Wed, 2005-11-23 - 23:49
I have the jerks too. I classify them as mild, medium, or hard. Sometimes one arm, sometimes the other, sometimes both, sometimes my body. They mainly show up when I haven't had enough sleep or when I first get up...but they also can show up when I'm hungry, real upset, tired, on over the counter meds, other Rx's unrelated to AED's, or drink rootbeer. And sometimes cause they dang well want to! Smiles!!! -Spiz

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