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Left Temporal Lobe Surgery next week

Mon, 04/29/2013 - 17:23
Hello. I cant find any recent ongoing discussions of Left Temporal lobe surgery. My husband will be having his surgery next week, after 17 years of seizures and 8 years of trying to make a decision on surgery. My anxiety is beyond belief. I am trying to hold it together for him and our 4 children. I find most success stories are of RIGHT temporal lobectomies. Has anyone recently recovered from Left TL surgery that might have some words of wisdom or advice on getting through this procedure? Thank you ajard


Re: Left Temporal Lobe Surgery next week

Submitted by yardwok on Thu, 2013-05-02 - 00:01
I just know that all will go well for your husband.. I had mine 6 years ago here in NJ and was seizure free for over 1 1/2 years..and have had only a few tiny ones since....My memory has been great really...When I thinkabout it, I haven't been on this site in months and yet my username and password popped right into my head no problem....Let him know, sometimes, it comes in handy when you don't want to go somewhere and you get to say sorry" I forgot all about it" and people forgive you no problem..My friends laugh all the time and bust my chops whenever I use that excuse..I'll say an extra prayer for him and his surgery and like I said it will go well or they would not even consider it....Tell him I said Good Luck Mister!

Re: Left Temporal Lobe Surgery next week

Submitted by srchaser67 on Thu, 2013-05-02 - 09:51

Hello,  I had the same sugery one year ago on April 8th. And actuallly 1 year seizure free. Please, if you need some info from this day a year ago please call. I dont care putting my phone line on here. 218-234-1732 Sonny.

 We all have things to think about and nothing better than someone who has done it. Please call!



Hello,  I had the same sugery one year ago on April 8th. And actuallly 1 year seizure free. Please, if you need some info from this day a year ago please call. I dont care putting my phone line on here. 218-234-1732 Sonny.

 We all have things to think about and nothing better than someone who has done it. Please call!



Re: Left Temporal Lobe Surgery next week

Submitted by melayton on Thu, 2013-05-02 - 11:50
My son had left temporal lobe surgery July 2011. He was 17 at the time. It was a long surgery-7.5 hrs. The waiting was hard. Good friends came and waited with us which was such a great support. He did very well thru surgery. Was quite emotional after in ICU which is normal. Some people can be very angry others cry. Hard for me to watch. They kept him pretty comfortable in the hospital pain wise. He recognized me and his immediate family right away, however he had trouble putting names to faces of other people he knew. I would tell him a close friend was coming to see him and although the name sounded familiar he couldn't recall a face. When he saw them he recognized them but sometimes the name still didnt seem right to him. We were warned that this may happen so it wasn't so unnerving. That part of his memory took a couple weeks to recover. He was quite forgetful in the first few weeks especially. I would have to remind him regularly and repeat things I told him. He was quite childlike in many ways. He seemed to forget some basic concepts and didnt catch on to humorous analegies. All of this got better over time. It was interesting to watch the brain slowly heal and create new pathways for him to remember and think cognitantly. He couldn't be counted on to remember to take his meds or keep track of meds etc. I joked with him that I was going to start writing reminders on his ceiling for him where he could see them when he woke up. Because they are often on a few different meds that need to be taken at different times it is very helpful for you to keep a written schedule of it all. If he has seizures keep a log of them and don't hesitate to call 911 if they are big ones and you are afraid. Sleep is a big part of healing process and boy did my son sleep! He got tired out very easily for first 4-5 months. He went back to school in sept 6 weeks after surgery and did well academically his grad year. He needed lots of naps after school. He still finds that his memory isn't up to par but we know the brain keeps healing up to 5 yrs after. I will be praying for your hubby and your family. I hope you have good support around you. Many, many people prayed for us and it made all the difference in the world. Melissa

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