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Surgery right temp lobe 07/10/07 I'm getting nervous

Fri, 06/08/2007 - 22:36
I have complex partial seizures. Surgery is coming up, and I have been doing so much preperation for it. The closer it comes the more nervous-scared I get. I am 29 living on my own but cannot drive, so getting allot of help. Just repeating what the Dr said, there removing a portion in the right part of the brain... removing. I have been told I may loose a little of my short term memory does that sound weird. He said I will probably loose it anyways in the long run down the road, I belive that. I want to know who else has had this surgery and how they felt afterwards, pain, any memory loses or changes, just some insight to what your thoughts were.


Re: Surgery right temp lobe 07/10/07 I'm getting nervous

Submitted by forestams on Sun, 2007-06-10 - 19:34
Hello- I had a right temporal lobectomy on March 1st- i'm 26, was scared as HELL right up until I woke up after the surgery and could barely remember them taking me into the operating room. And then when they said yea it's done I remembered having been in the operating room and such. I couldn't have believed better results if- as the Drs did of course- had told me so beforehand! The only thing I have some problems with are short term- as in VERY short term memories- like 5 seconds or less for some reason. About 5 mins later I will remember what I was told to do- (this happens mostly at work)and has never created a problem where I have not ever remembered something after waiting a few mins or just retracing my steps of what was said or done. I had some word finding difficulties before the surgery which I was always told could be from the meds and that still remains the same- sometimes I've garbled words because I've tried to say something too fast but no one has ever noticed- even if I say something about it. I have had NO seizures and hopefully will get my license back in August after 6 years! (I was diagnosed when I was 20) They wont take me off meds til March but oh well- what's one more year! So far so good and I'm sure you will be okay too- your face swells a little and your head will feel heavy the first week or so but after that you will just be chilling at home... Good Luck! I am the biggest skeptic I know and trust me I know how you feel- and trust me- it'll all be okay somehow in the amazing wierdass world that is neuroscience...

Re: Re: Surgery right temp lobe 07/10/07 I'm getting nervous

Submitted by Angie m on Mon, 2007-06-11 - 21:48
I'm glad your surgery went well and will be back driving again only a few months away. With my job people talk to me constantly, I don't want them to think I am not listening, and my memory isn't the greatest now anyways. So I don't want it to get worse. For being such a skeptic, i'm glad you still had the guts to go through the surgery.

Re: Surgery right temp lobe 07/10/07 I'm getting nervous

Submitted by RTL on Mon, 2007-06-11 - 21:30
Angie, I had this surgery in '03 and have detailed my experiences here: Kevin

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