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Aura but didnt pass out/ i am lost ?

Thu, 05/18/2006 - 14:08
Ok i when i have seizure there gran mal or whatever they call them now. Well i had one last week and well when i have seizures i have a aura before hand and unless you have one its hard to explain. Well last night me and fiancee just went to bed we were laying there talking and i rolled over and i saw that aura and i freaked out like i usually do well jesse got up and turned on the light hurried up and went and grabbed the phone. He sat on the bed next to me and held my hand and just kept telling me to relaxe and made me keep talking and looking at him and 5 mins later it went away it was so weird i have never had that before i usually black out and what not. My leg was shaking pretty bad but i did it because of him i stayed calm the doc said it probablly was still a seizure but you know what i dont care i didnt black out. Fawn


Re: Aura but didnt pass out/ i am lost ?

Submitted by angel_lts on Thu, 2006-05-18 - 14:32
Fawn, You can actually do deep breathing and you will occupy your mind. It will cause the seizure to go away. You have to relax, but it is so hard to do. I have done it, I have many seizures that have gone. Do diaphragmatic breathing it will help. Lisa

Re: Aura but didnt pass out/ i am lost ?

Submitted by staciem on Tue, 2006-06-27 - 22:38
An aura is a partial seizure, so maybe it just didn't generalize. I only have simple partial seizures, so I have the aura with nothing else. Are you on meds? Stacie

Re: Re: Aura but didnt pass out/ i am lost ?

Submitted by solis on Wed, 2006-06-28 - 12:06
Specifically, 'aura' is merely the name given to simple partial seizures if/when they preceed another type. Here is some 'Simple Partial' info: ~sol

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