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Aura but didnt pass out/ i am lost ?

Thu, 05/18/2006 - 14:08
Ok i when i have seizure there gran mal or whatever they call them now. Well i had one last week and well when i have seizures i have a aura before hand and unless you have one its hard to explain. Well last night me and fiancee just went to bed we were laying there talking and i rolled over and i saw that aura and i freaked out like i usually do well jesse got up and turned on the light hurried up and went and grabbed the phone. He sat on the bed next to me and held my hand and just kept telling me to relaxe and made me keep talking and looking at him and 5 mins later it went away it was so weird i have never had that before i usually black out and what not. My leg was shaking pretty bad but i did it because of him i stayed calm the doc said it probablly was still a seizure but you know what i dont care i didnt black out. Fawn


Re: Re: Re: Aura but didnt pass out/ i am lost ?

Submitted by cntrygrl on Mon, 2007-01-22 - 18:29
Yes those auras are warning signs that a petimal or grandmal seizure could happen,sit down in a safe place and relax,let someone help you its not your fault and you will be ok let it pass,its frustrating and strange feeling,hard to understand ,been told by doctor its a warning sign to have a chance to get in a safe place and sit or lie down.

Re: Aura but didnt pass out/ i am lost ?

Submitted by anniemarie on Mon, 2007-01-22 - 20:00
kyliesmom, Hi my name is annette and I have grandmals and was diagnosed when I was 11. I use to have warning signs which is now called auras before I had an attack. But now i get warning sings a week before but that only happened on the last 2 grand mals I had in the past 3 yrs.I have been exp auras and I do not pass out either but do get a headache afterwards. Changed meds since then Iam now on trileptal and neuro doc has me going off dilatin because he can not get the level right, I took that drug when i was a little girl. sometimes I can get up to 2 auras a day it really scares me because one lsted for a few hrs on and off. I know how u feel, Iam 41 now and it is harder on me because of my age

Re: Re: Aura but didnt pass out/ i am lost ?

Submitted by Natalie Thacker on Tue, 2007-01-23 - 16:05
Hey, I'm Natalie. I get a similar thing to you but mine tend to build up really slowly over a couple of weeks becoming more frequent. Starting off with like one a day and then go to as much as five or six a day. Normally this then results in a Grand Mal. I'm having them at the moment even tho last lot was August. I've still not had a Grand Mal and it's been like three weeks of it now.Don't want to keep taking time off work but don't want to risk having one because I'm a teaching assistant. Any suggestions?? Also do you feel sick after the auras for a split second? Normally i'm not sick but yesterday I actually was.

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