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Aura but didnt pass out/ i am lost ?

Thu, 05/18/2006 - 14:08
Ok i when i have seizure there gran mal or whatever they call them now. Well i had one last week and well when i have seizures i have a aura before hand and unless you have one its hard to explain. Well last night me and fiancee just went to bed we were laying there talking and i rolled over and i saw that aura and i freaked out like i usually do well jesse got up and turned on the light hurried up and went and grabbed the phone. He sat on the bed next to me and held my hand and just kept telling me to relaxe and made me keep talking and looking at him and 5 mins later it went away it was so weird i have never had that before i usually black out and what not. My leg was shaking pretty bad but i did it because of him i stayed calm the doc said it probablly was still a seizure but you know what i dont care i didnt black out. Fawn


I'm betting your specialist

Submitted by solis on Tue, 2007-01-23 - 10:58
I'm betting your specialist is a regular neurologist, as they must know every single physical problem related to the entire brain and spinal column. Not suprisingly many general neurologists don't know as much about E, as would a neurologist that focuses on, and specializes in, epilepsy - called an 'epileptologist'. was made by physicians that do specialize in epilepsy and there you will read that 'aura' is the name of a warning given to simple partial seizures if/when they exist immediately before a complex partial or a primary generalized seizure. "Sometimes, the warning or aura is not followed by any other symptoms. It may be considered a simple partial seizure by the doctor." "Aura: A warning before a seizure; a simple partial seizure occuring within seconds before a complex partial or secondarily generalized tonic-clonic seizure, or it may occur alone; also a warning before a migraine headache." hope that helps, ~sol

Re: Aura but didnt pass out/ i am lost ?

Submitted by justme5151 on Mon, 2007-02-12 - 15:19
Fawn it is known that when we are fear of the knowing (seizure) we often hold our breath, this is what causes the seizures to go farther than it might have, my doc. told me if I just relaxed, often the seizures would not be as bad, or we could stop them. My mom always would calmly talk to me telling to breath, come out of it, this always worked. I am glad you got to experience a better side of seizures, if we can say that. I hope you great luck in the future, and I hope jesse can be there for you more like this last time. Mary

Re: Aura but didnt pass out/ i am lost ?

Submitted by pixiedust on Thu, 2007-02-15 - 20:23
well my doctor told me "while youre on Dilantin.. you will feel auras but it will most likely stop at that" so basically the medication youre taking is preventing it from getting worse. ive gotten one once before a month after i started taking dilantin and i started trembling and felt spaced out a bit but it went away, and im glad i didnt black out either

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