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Aura but didnt pass out/ i am lost ?

Thu, 05/18/2006 - 14:08
Ok i when i have seizure there gran mal or whatever they call them now. Well i had one last week and well when i have seizures i have a aura before hand and unless you have one its hard to explain. Well last night me and fiancee just went to bed we were laying there talking and i rolled over and i saw that aura and i freaked out like i usually do well jesse got up and turned on the light hurried up and went and grabbed the phone. He sat on the bed next to me and held my hand and just kept telling me to relaxe and made me keep talking and looking at him and 5 mins later it went away it was so weird i have never had that before i usually black out and what not. My leg was shaking pretty bad but i did it because of him i stayed calm the doc said it probablly was still a seizure but you know what i dont care i didnt black out. Fawn


Re: Aura but didnt pass out/ i am lost ?

Submitted by quirky on Tue, 2007-01-23 - 08:21
Hi Fawn No need to be lost. An aura is a seizure, only partial. And you can prevent yourself from having a grand mal seizure if you try to relax. That doesn't mean this will happen everytime you relax when you have an aura but it does help to lessen the amount you could have as grand mals. Panicking will definitely cause grand mal to happen! When I was little and before I was on meds, I used to have many grand mal seizures day and night every day for a couple of years until I learned to relax a bit more and ended up having less grand mals but still had the auras. Wasn't until I got the meds my Auras and seizures lessened even more. Stress, worry, panicking,anxiety wont help you at all. Try to relax. Not easy in this world I know. But that is the key! Take it easy! Quirky

Re: Re: Aura but didnt pass out/ i am lost ?

Submitted by lilliansmom on Tue, 2007-01-23 - 09:22
My daughter is 2 1/2 and having auras and her doctor is telling me that it isnt a seizure but a warning. Im so confused about all of this.

lilliansmom, It is

Submitted by spiz on Tue, 2007-01-23 - 10:55
lilliansmom, It is confusing when a doctor doesn't keep up with the progress made in determining different types of seizures. I'm 47, have had epilepsy since I was 15. Back then, Simple Partials were known simply as 'warnings'. Which in essence, they are. They give you time, hopefully, to sit down in case the 'warning' generalizes. Later, they became known as 'Auras'. Now they are known,and are, Simple Partials that can generalize into Complex Partial,etc. Here is info on Simple Partials . You didn't say how she reacted during her aura but Simples affect different people differently. Read the posts prior to yours, they all give excellant explanations of warnings>auras>Simples. Take care! -Spiz

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