Community Forum Archive

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Sat, 12/17/2005 - 12:14
I am really ready to jump off the highest building on earth. These hormonal monthly seizures are the BIGGEST problem I have ever had in my life. I can't work full-time, sometimes not even part-time, I can't drive my car, I can't go without some stupid side-effect from these different medications i'm always on, I have another brain test (for possible surgery) to wait in line for, my hormones are all messed up, so my boyfriend is going nuts with a horniless girlfriend, I am becoming very depressed, I cannot help with the bread winning, and any intimacy in the relationship is now gone. And I cannot find any "new positive outlet of life or source of distraction." There are no support groups where I live in upstate ny. Noone I know locally has this problem. My lonely walks and music and art and poetry- THEY AREN'T CUTTING IT ANYMORE. My family, they aren't really family. They don't care about themselves, yet alone anyone else. Seizures are occurring at random, life is a ball of dog doo for me and I am not liking it anymore, 10 years later. So, i'm ready to melt away with the snowmen.......Kelly



Submitted by txrhb1 on Sat, 2005-12-17 - 16:16
Hi Kelly, I am so sorry you are having so many problems with your seizures. I understand how you feel, as I go thru the same feelings myself. Just when I think the seizures are getting under control, WHAM - they hit me again, with a vengeance. I wish I had some answers for you. All I can really do is let you know I understand, and my thoughts and prayers are with you. I'm here to talk, if you ever need me ! ((( hugs & best wishes ))), Barbie *************************************** "We are each of us angels with only one wing, and we can fly only by embracing each other." -lucian de crescenzo


Submitted by momwithlove on Sat, 2005-12-17 - 17:50
I am a mother of a 18 year old daughter who loves her with all of my heart. I just wanted to let you all know that you are not alone. My daughter too struggles, has the same feelings and often is depressed over her seizure disorder. She can not drive, her recent pet ct scan showed damage on both left and right temporal lobes and all I wanted to express to you is I understand because even though I do not have epilepsy, because I do feel the pain that my daughter experiences from them but of course not to the extent that she does. I CARE. You all are very special human being whether you feel that way right now or not. You deserve to be respected and treated with kindness and respect from everyone. Her condition is somewhat better controlled then before because of her recent surgery which involved the vagus nerve stimulator, she can at least hold her head up now, prior she could hardly hold her head up straight as the day became longer. Now she has more energy and her day is not cut short everyday after 6 pm. She still suffers from psyciatric symptoms from the temporal lobe damage and these are frightening in themself. They include paranoia, strange but real beliefs at times of things that are not real, hearing things that are not there. It is like clockwork about 10 days prior to her menstral cycle and the closer we get to the onset the worse she becomes and it breaks my heart to see her cry and believe these things are not there. I love her and will forever be there to try to help her. My concern is when I am not here for her in the future who will take care of her. One day, any day something could happen to me and my husband loves her but he doesn't understand her condition as much as me and to be honest it frightens him and he himself has his own depression now that he never had before my daughters condition became worse. My prays are with all of you and GOD BLESS YOU. I believe that there is a special purpose for each one of you and trust wanted to share that with you all. From a mothers love for her daughter I send this love also to you too if you need a HUGE.


Submitted by CG on Sat, 2005-12-17 - 18:27
Thank you for being a loving mom. I know my parents have always worried about me because of E. As much as they have been over-protective of me, they have always been there. My mom is a retired nurse, as was her mother. It is through my father's side that I inherited my condition. I found a loving man to share my life with after many years of being single. I could not ask for a more understanding man. I may have waited longer, but he has always been there for me. When I have experience problems, he has called into work for me, held me, been there when I woke up. My husband taught me never to be ashamed of what I have. He was the one to encourage me to seek out support groups, and now I have one on the net. My prayers and blessings are with you. CG

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