Community Forum Archive

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Sat, 12/17/2005 - 12:14
I am really ready to jump off the highest building on earth. These hormonal monthly seizures are the BIGGEST problem I have ever had in my life. I can't work full-time, sometimes not even part-time, I can't drive my car, I can't go without some stupid side-effect from these different medications i'm always on, I have another brain test (for possible surgery) to wait in line for, my hormones are all messed up, so my boyfriend is going nuts with a horniless girlfriend, I am becoming very depressed, I cannot help with the bread winning, and any intimacy in the relationship is now gone. And I cannot find any "new positive outlet of life or source of distraction." There are no support groups where I live in upstate ny. Noone I know locally has this problem. My lonely walks and music and art and poetry- THEY AREN'T CUTTING IT ANYMORE. My family, they aren't really family. They don't care about themselves, yet alone anyone else. Seizures are occurring at random, life is a ball of dog doo for me and I am not liking it anymore, 10 years later. So, i'm ready to melt away with the snowmen.......Kelly



Submitted by Caligirl on Sun, 2007-01-28 - 19:52
HEY Kelly I'm sorry to hear about your seisures, at one time I felt just like you do. but thanks to my heavenly father six yrs ago I was able to get rid of my seizures thru surgery I don't know if you have family members, that can drive you to The Medical center of UCSF its the most wonderful place they have the most wonderful could ask for, I tell you because that's were I had my surgery and I still go for my follow up appointments.I can tell you that the day I had my surgery has been one of the happiest days of my life.Thanks to God,and The wonderful Doctors at UCSF Epilepsy Center.


Submitted by angel_lts on Sun, 2005-12-18 - 07:56
Kelly, Sorry to hear about the problems you are having. The hormones can make you go crazy. Just trying to end them, and then the seizures start to pop up all over. I was having hot flashes, memory problems, seizures...I use a natural progesterone cream. I get it from a compound pharmacist. It has worked great for me. Everything has finally subsided. I have been on it for about a year now. I even take extra when I see I am getting more auras or more seizures. Talk with your doctor. For I know some of the doctors are up on the progesterone and how it can help with seizures. Lisa


Submitted by malissa72 on Mon, 2006-09-18 - 16:48
Hi kelly!!!!!!! How are you doing????? I'm ok. Hey I know how you feel about the seizures because of the fact that I have had them since I was 19-20, I don't feel like jumping off anything but believe me I do get depressed and stuff because no one understands how I feel, I'm married and have been for 10 years and I have 3 beautiful kids, but it seems like that I have to keep everything bottled in because I try to talk to people and they do not understand me..................Write me back Kelly ok because I would like to talk to you ok....................

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